Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 11, 2016

Golden Globes

This A- list mostly television actor on a hit pay cable show spent most of the evening wandering from one table to another looking for bottles of Moet with champagne still inside. His favorite? The empty tables of journalists who were backstage working. More than one bottle of champagne was removed from their tables and ended up back at his own.

Liev Schreiber


  1. sandybrook3:39 AM

    cheap are we?

  2. Nailed It3:39 AM

    Derek Harvey

  3. AndrewBW4:49 AM

    Good for him. Anyone who'd let good Moet go to waste deserves a good swift kick.

  4. This reminds me of those 'celebrities are just like us' spots. I have a penchant for pink champagne... I will become an extrovert if you haven't drank your bottle.

  5. Lurky McLurkster5:50 AM

    I kinda find this funny

  6. Kibble6:48 AM

    @Dena FTW! Only one to get Liev the first time around.

  7. CindyC8:38 AM

    I do this at weddings all the time! Most people I know don't drink champagne. Me? I lurv it!

  8. Smart. Most journalists aren't supposed to eat the meals provided at an event they're covering, like for a luncheon speaker, though many often do. None is going to fight back against someone who swipes the champagne or cake or whatever. The possibility that someone would complain to their editors that they're eating and drinking the stuff meant for the people participating isn't worth it.

  9. Why thanks, Kibbley-poo : )

  10. LaBomba11:02 AM

    Champagne goes to the head really fast. Good for him for appreciating the good stuff!

  11. NoseyNeighbor12:15 PM


  12. WritergirlinLA12:11 PM

    He put up several of his family and friends at Hotel 17 in NYC for the opening of his play Talk Radio several years ago. Hotel 17 is a small hotel with shared baths for under $100 a night in the LES. It's very bargain basement for NYC.
