Monday, March 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 7, 2016

This former A list mostly movie actress can pay for as many vacations as she can afford for this former A list tweener but it still is not ever going to turn into a real relationship. She is really addicted to the publicity of it though.

Kate Hudson/Nick Jonas


  1. hothotheat3:34 AM

    KH is addicted to publicity of any kind.

  2. Tricia133:45 AM

    Oh kate

  3. I don't understand how an apparel company thinks hiring a smoker helps them sell active-wear apparel?

  4. The apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.

  5. Kno Won Uno3:56 AM

    I'm not sure who's paying attention to it besides tabloids & gossip sites. It's really very silly.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    I trust you're not dissing Goldie Hawn who was definitely, absolutely a unique actress when she first appeared.
    Kate has never done anything original or unique and never will. She's a never-was.

  7. Kate is-was a list? Gosh I wish there was a legend to help me. I would never have picked her as a list. B list back when she made that movie with Matthew m but now I think d list lol

  8. It's her company.

  9. I'm dissing Kate.
    Goldie won an Academy Award in 1969? I believe.
    I still think a known smoker selling active-wear is silly -- regardless of who owns the company.
    Goldie is a smoker, too. (or used to be)

  10. Kno Won Uno5:26 AM

    There was an article in the DM last week about all the known smokers pushing diet/cookbooks or exercise wear or whatever:
    Mel B
    Ellie Goulding
    Kate Beckinsale
    Katherine Heigl
    Katie Holmes

  11. Malibuborebee6:21 AM

    Even if she were a decent actress, which she is not, nobody's forgotten what she did to Owen Wilson or any of the other guy's she's fucked over. There are parts she could have gotten but didn't because of her shitty behavior.

    I'm glad she's desperate. Every time I read another blind about how she's frantically famewhoring, it makes me happy.

  12. Kelly7:49 AM

    Maybe she's just having fun and doesn't want it to turn into a real relationship?

  13. Dear KH I'm more than available at least it would be a passable relationship

  14. Cupcakes4all12:57 AM

    she's pathetic
