Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 7, 2016

This A list singer skipped the awards show not for the reason given but because it was her intention to meet a guy she has been speaking to and sneak away from her handlers. She was busted and had to stay home.

Britney Spears


  1. Derek Harvey3:35 AM

    One day Brit is labeled permanent A the next day just plain ol A . Next week she will be A+...

  2. sandybrook3:46 AM

    BritBrit should stick to crawling thru air vents

  3. How is this even legal? I know she has had problems in the past... So have a lot of other people -- and a lot worse problems. But she is an adult and can make up her own mind. Seems to me that she is being held hostage by her greedy handlers.

  4. TopperMadison5:30 AM

    I've lost too many people in my life to mental illness to not reply to this. She's mentally unstable and allegedly HIV+. Her "greedy handlers" might be the only reason she's still alive.

  5. Seriously sorry about your loss. But if she is that far gone where she can't even see people without her handlers/ father approving, then she has no business performing in Vegas. After all, she is a 34-year old woman and I doubt she is any more messed up then Kesha, et al.

  6. Salaam5:58 AM

    A list "Singer". She hasn't sung an actual note in years.

  7. Glad you said it!

  8. Riven7:04 AM

    LOL FFS Sandy... now I'm picturing BritBrit crawling through a vent, leaving a trail of orange finger prints and cheap hair extensions behind her. You're the best.

    Also, hi back from a day or two ago! I rarely use my real email address so I don't see a lot of replies. :-)

  9. Nailed It8:39 AM

    Derek Harvey

  10. Sandy1:00 PM

    I have to agree with CC here. My first reaction was to question why an adult was being treated like a naughty child too. It makes it sound like she's been grounded for breaking curfew. I know it's a difficult situation, but you still have to find a way to respect their adulthood as well as protecting them.

  11. Slang_King8:57 PM

    The clue is in "skipped the awards show". Why would she 'book' it if she didn't want to attend it? Pretty good guess it was booked by her 'carers' against her will,, given her history of public meltdowns due to paps. Not suggesting her mystery 'date' was necessarily a good thing,, but you wonder if theyd've let her go if there were big buxx to be made from it. It's one thing to prevent the mentally ill from heading into potential danger,, quite another to try to make them go somewhere they don't wanna be.
