Monday, March 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 6, 2016

Just when you thought there had to be someone in Hollywood who would refuse to get a facelift or procedure done to their face comes this intense A list mostly movie actor in a big award type film this year. He has moved away from the franchise role he once had. Anyway, he has a brand new scar down the side of his face where some work was performed. It is hard to tell because of his facial hair. Why get the work done if you are going to hide the results?

Christian Bale


  1. Derek Harvey2:44 AM

    He is only 42??!!!! He looks good (as always) but looks the exact same as a year ago??

  2. cebii2:47 AM

    he was the best Batman.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:54 AM

    (this could be a lie. no respectable surgeon is going to leave a visible scar on a celebrity's face - that's a career-killer)

  4. Cinabun2:56 AM

    Pitt's surprised me more. Thought they both looked just fine before. Bad enough w/ women doing it so young, but Michael Douglas, Pitt, & a few others look like caricatures of themselves.

  5. Derek Harvey2:57 AM

    is doing that really worth it? Should I start saving ? between him Keanu, Winona etc all the hotties get serious work done--I just cant imagine someone digging in my face...

  6. He's hiding the scar, not the results. I'm guessing he'll be freshly shaven once the scar heals.

  7. Barrel of Monkeys (previous ID=ItsaBeautifulLife)3:02 AM

    WTG Derek Harvey. You got it!

    ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪

  8. Kno Won Uno3:19 AM

    I've never done it because I don't have the kind of life that would allow me to disappear to a luxury spa for a week or two and come out looking fabulous.
    You can be your ass if I find a way to fund that kind of recovery, I'm having everything done at once & lie around in a morphine haze till I heal.
    So, never.

  9. Derek Harvey3:22 AM

    Hey friend---nice too see ya : )

  10. French girl3:30 AM

    BS .
    When did he operate ? he is shaved in The Big Short,he has a beard since (and he always has his mole next to his eye)

  11. French girl3:32 AM

    It is BS .he was shaved in The Big Short.Since he has a beard,when was he operated ?

  12. Kibble3:44 AM

    I agree with French girl.

  13. Sadie4:13 AM

    I noticed he still has that awful beard though he isn't filming anything now.

  14. French girl4:24 AM

    He wears a beard between the filming since always."it is unemployment "

  15. mariaj4:24 AM

    This is the first blind i have officially guessed right, i will throw a party. Or maybe not

  16. Can someone tell me if that country dude luke Bryan has had work done. He seems to profess guy burliness, but he looks like maybe Botox and chin work? And ... Maybe something to the eyes. I'm fascinated that he is like mountaineer but ya know laser whitens his teeth and wears tom ford.

  17. Guesser4:26 AM

    What type of plastic surgery leaves you with a scar face? At 42 I doubt he would get anything drastic. Maybe he had a growth or skin cancer removed.

  18. Derek Harvey4:27 AM

    I guess that is why God invented the Dermawand...

  19. lila fowler4:30 AM

    Not surprised. All of the weight loss/gain has wreaked havoc on his face. He looked like a basset hound there for awhile.

  20. HH3144:47 AM

    I probably will never get anything done but i gotta say Sharon Stone looks fabulous now - better than in the 80s. I want her surgeon's number (asking for a friend)

  21. I have a scar down one side of my face. Because suddenly I began to have tumors, lots of them all at once. I was in my late 40's.

  22. June Gordon5:24 AM

    I just watched The Big Short and was sad to see that he has lost his looks. He used to be FINE!

    I am glad I done need no platic surgery. I still get carded at the liquore store and customers behind the Burger King alway beg me to tell them I ain't underage!!!!

  23. Unemployable5:33 AM

    That's true. When you're unemployed every penny counts so you have to trim luxury items like shaving cream from your budget.

  24. Barrel of Monkeys (previous ID=ItsaBeautifulLife)6:14 AM

    @ Derek Harvey
    Thanks! You too! *waves*

  25. Malibuborebee6:32 AM

    Maybe it's is his version of the plastic surgery haircut. People are supposed to think it's the haircut or in this case, the beard, not surgery.

  26. Sadie6:57 AM

    LOL! He does affect me as being a cheapskate though. Such a wretched POS.

  27. NotAllThat9:08 AM

    BS. All the recent pictures of Bale show his face as lined as ever. Still attractive, but you can tell he hasn't used much sunscreen or taken care of his skin. He looks every bit his years.

    Plus why would he have work done and leave the large mole on the bridge of his nose? It will only get bigger and need to be removed.

  28. Why are you surprised? He has also had nose jobs and an eyelift.

  29. longtimereader4:23 AM

    That was adam west followed by michael keaton.

  30. UpMyOwnArse3:06 AM

