Saturday, March 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 16, 2015

This just about permanent A list mostly television actress from several long running network and cable shows walked in on her celebrity boyfriend. What was supposed to be a surprise at his place turned into a horrible surprise when she saw him in bed with another woman.

Courteney Cox/Johnny McDaid


  1. littledidweknow1:53 AM

    really enty? really?

    johnny mcdaid is ed sheeran's boyfriend. he is gay. nice try. its the perfect pairing, aniston/cox and mcdaid/sheeran.

    unless, thats too conspiracy for you.

  2. Honeybunny2:04 AM

    She must have been a lady about it because if that was me, he would get everything thrown at him but the kitchen sink.

  3. Sheepskin2:13 AM

    As I feel bad for her, her taste in guys is terrible

  4. longtimereader2:23 AM

    Ed Sheeran is gay!?!

  5. Marianne3:00 AM

    She really knows how to pick them. One of my girlfriends went to school with her and she said she's really nice and down to earth or at least she was back then. Can't imagine why she can't find a keeper.

  6. mariaj3:24 AM

    She should have known that old saying:" never do a surprise vist to you gf/bf, YOU could end up getting the surprise"or something like that.

  7. Green girl4:38 AM

    There are several people who say Ed is very much straight & takes advantage of his fame to meet girls.

  8. texasrose4:41 AM

    "Wow - I bet this has never happened in hollywood before" - said nobody.

  9. Anna From Savannah5:17 AM

    Long ago and far away (Atlanta) I came home from work with an upset tummy. As I walked into the living room I could hear laughter and noise from the bedroom. What was hubby doing home at that hour? He was doing our best friend! And our best friend's name was Walter. Turned around, forgot about my stomach ache, took a cab to my lawyer's office and...the rest is history as they say. Tragically, he died three months later in a car crash. Saved a ton of cash on the divorce, though. Better a widow than a divorcee.

  10. saras5:43 AM

    Wow Anna sorry you had that scene to go through! Hope you found/find more happiness in life after that!

  11. Ahhhh Courtney...she knows how to choose the winners, now doesn't she?

  12. TopperMadison6:41 AM

    I really don't understand people who mess around at home. Obviously, they want to get caught.

    I'm not sure if I should say congratulations to you, or I'm sorry. You have me conflicted.

  13. She seems to be a lovely, rational woman attracted to crazy. I think she was also linked to Jim Carrey before Arquette. Maybe she has a savior complex or low self-esteem? Monica is still my favorite "Friend" & I hope she finds someone decent.

  14. Patrick8:54 AM

    The embarrassment of being cheated on, at her age, would be far more damaging to her career if it ever got out. Better to end it as painlessly as possible.

  15. Anna From Savannah10:56 AM

    While I can be a bit cavalier today (it will be 50 years in June) I never really recovered from the deception. The funeral was beyond sad because his family told me how remorseful he had been after I discovered his infidelity with our closest friend. I was 24 and he was 33. Only married 14 months. Have lived with 'what if' all these years. If I had just stayed at work! Never remarried.

  16. Anna From Savannah10:58 AM

    She and Michael Keaton were quite the couple for a long time. She does seem to want to rescue injured animals and love them back to health. I admire her for that.

  17. Gookie11:33 AM

    She should be grateful he wasn't with the family pet.

  18. back again1:10 PM


  19. Cindy3:13 AM

    Was this around the time the paps caught her sitting outside with her friend hysterically crying?

  20. @little You know nothing about any of this. Nice try though.

  21. longtimereader4:14 AM

    Yes, just what i thought. Ginger creep who uses his fame to get hot women? Hell yeah...
