Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 2, 2014

He said he couldn’t see her because he was working all last weekend. She begged for him to join her on her business trip, but the A list singer was unsuccessful and her actor boyfriend took the time to be with a woman from his show that he has been seeing regularly but not easily for fear of getting caught.

Taylor Kinney/Lady GaGa


  1. Kno Won Uno2:28 AM

    Kinney is not aging well, in my opinion. Or he's aging too rapidly or something. I still think he's got a health issue.

  2. Cherry2:46 AM

    Saw him on the Kelly and Michael show this morning. He didn't seem too bright?

  3. Zilla12:47 AM

    In other news, Patty Duke has died.

  4. sandybrook2:54 AM

    RIP Patty Duke--she had it rough for a long time back in the 70s

  5. Gags pressing him for marriage is taking its toll.

  6. Calanne3:09 AM

    He peaked a few years ago. He had a GF he was living with when they got together, really what did she expect.

  7. Malibuborebee3:11 AM

    I'm not sure what he looked like before but heavy drug use makes most people look like shit.

  8. That's sad. They have a lovely photo of her at d'listed.

  9. Sharing Gaga's coke, but not getting the extreme plastic surgery probably makes him look older
