Monday, March 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 27, 2016

It always gets me upset when I see some A- list mostly television actress on a soon ending hit pay cable show talk about diversity when she refuses to ever include anyone of color on her show, despite repeated calls for her to have some diversity.

Lena Dunham


  1. Kno Won Uno2:06 AM

    From the Blindingly Obvious File.

  2. Derek Harvey2:06 AM

    Nailed it

    Girls has a character move to Japan this that diverse enough for you, Enty? Or is it only a black and white thing. There has been many supporting characters on the show that are of all races. Including the hilarious Jessica Williams, from The Daily Show. The shows premise just happens to be about 4 white chicks--no one shunned Sex and the City for that..and this season is fucking fantastic..

  3. I recently watched a little bit of Girls and I liked it. It was somewhat relatable to me. I'm black and it didnt bother me there were no black characters on it. Much ado about nothing.

  4. June Gordon4:14 AM

    TV is not a ride thru "It's A Small World" at Disney.

    Stop policing the stories people are allowed to tell.

  5. Just Saying4:16 AM

    A white character moving to Japan at the conclusion of a series does not equate as diversity. I could be considered "white" and I'm offended.

  6. Derek Harvey5:10 AM

    Well, I SUGGEST you watch the new season before you get all "OFFENDED" .

  7. Just Saying5:15 AM

    Stop shouting, Derek! Do you mean the FINAL season? Never gonna happen...

  8. Derek Harvey5:20 AM

    It is not even the final season

  9. Zilla16:35 AM

    Then again, Hypocrite-Thy-Name-Is-Lena, who molested her sister for years, is the first one to grab a torch when there is some sort of celebrity sex assault allegation in the news.

    So this is hardly surprising.

  10. naturally7:00 AM

    there will ALWAYS be lena dunham's apologists, always.

    and they are pretty much all the same.

    there is NO diversity on that show, including this season. you guys are just as bad as the old white people who are complaining about the oscars.

  11. aquamarine9:41 AM

    I watch the show. The writing is good, really good IMO. Though Lena's narcissism often leeches into it. I actually find the show interesting but Lena herself obnoxious and shrill, not to mention narcissistic (every short and film she's ever made was the same as Girls - essentially her diary entries). Still, Ive been watching it since the beginning and Im going to finish it out till the end.

    But no, there is zero diversity of Girls and a few POC characters thrown in once or twice is a lazy effort, if any. That whole 'whats wrong with it being four white women should we really have to change everything for the sake of diversity!?' attitude is the reason we're still in the clusterf*ck we are in in the first place.

    if you have that attitude, it seriously needs to change - otherwise YOU are part of the problem.

  12. robynsing11:43 AM

    This show jumped the shark into neurosis overkill and self-absorbed delusion in season 2. Lena Dunham is just another attention seeking Hollywood pig like all the rest

  13. Lena is hideous. Period. I don't get the appeal

  14. Snarknado2:57 PM

    She had a black lover and black girlfriend on the show.

  15. Snarknado2:59 PM

    Lena's character had a black lover and a black girlfriend.

  16. Snarknado3:03 PM

    The enterns are lying again. Every time this comes up, I point out Lena's character had a black love interest and a black girlfriend.

  17. Snarknado3:06 PM

    In past seasons, Lena's character had a black love interest and a black girlfriend.

  18. Snarknado3:10 PM

    This is not an "apology" for Lena, it's a statement of a fact.

  19. Morgan9:50 PM

    Having a black lover or girlfriend does not equate diversity at all. People on here are also racist I see? And convinced that diversity is giving token extra roles to non regular people? That's not diversity, that's ridiculous and it's exactly what racists use as excuse to make the problem go away. A show about four white chicks is not diverse, period. Stop trying it. Diversity is having a diverse regular cast, a show that tells stories that involve all the diverse characters. All the time, not every once in a while with irrelevant guest characters. Girls is not diverse and never has been. It also is a terrible show for me, but that's just a matter of taste.Lena Dunham is one of the biggest hypocrites in this business, on the same level as Jada Pinkett Smith (just so we're equal on hypocrisy, too). At least Jada Pinkett Smith is only hypocritical on diversity though, while Lena Dunham the sister molester who pretends that's no big deal (and her apologists excuse her) keeps trying to talk about sexual harassment as if she wasn't part of the problem.

  20. Silly F-cking Goose4:53 AM

    Oh dear, are you offended by this horrific crime?

    So, you don't believe Asians count as non-white people of color?

    What exactly is the magic mix?

    Better get yourself to your therapist ASAP to get help for the PTSD that Lena Dunham has caused you. Poor pathetic thing - how ever will you cope?
