Saturday, March 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Mr. X

January 27, 2015

What openly gay UK-based talk show host was overheard saying to some friends at a party that three members of that boy band are “definitely gay” and one in particular was a “vicious little viper” backstage to him when the band appeared on his show not too long ago. He knows they won’t be out of the closet anytime soon, because their female fans would lose their s**t if they did.

Graham Norton


  1. I adore graham norton, I wish he would take off in the US. Don't care about One D, although now it's clear what the D stands for.

  2. Also, is it three out of four or three out of five?

  3. muchlu12:46 AM

    guess the gay ones are Harry, Nial and Louis

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope12:49 AM

    I love Graham Norton too, he's hysterical

  5. Derek Harvey12:56 AM

    I guess the band is One Direction

  6. Graham is a doll. He has a HUGE crush on Tom Hardy. Most evident when Tom was on his show. Well, Gray, who the hell doesn't!?

  7. "He knows they won’t be out of the closet anytime soon, because their female fans would lose their s**t if they did."

    Weird. I'd lose my shit and freak out if I found out that some dude from a boy band was actually straight.

  8. Fucking LOVE Graham Norton btw. Awesome dude.

  9. Kibble2:16 AM

    Count me in as a HUGE Graham Norton fan He's far better than any of our stateside talk show hosts.

  10. AyyyPapi2:26 AM


  11. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:57 AM

    Yeah, Graham Norton was the mystery who needed to be named from this blind!

  12. naturally4:07 AM

    gay one directioners:

    Harry, Liam, Louis 100% gay ones

    jury's out on Zayn and Nial, though Nial was okay being fodder for gay ellie goulding's song.

  13. According to gossip sites and their readers, not one person in the entertainment industry is straight. It's amusing and strange to see blind items treating being gay as if it were somehow scandalous. Not only is it not scandalous, it's no even interesting.

  14. "female fans would lose their sh*t" lol he's obviously never looked into the fanbase, majority already support them and have for years , the non supporters are just more vocal and aggressive .
    gays ones def are Louis, Harry and probably Liam though Niall is a mystery

  15. back again12:36 PM

    me too..Plus he oft puts unlikely people together on his couch which keeps things interesting.

  16. You make me laugh, JAS

  17. Cinabun3:22 AM

    Only time I've ever liked Marky Mark was on his show when he was drunk & hitting on Sarah Silverman.

  18. pusssykatt7:47 AM

    Cinabun, he was so drunk, and I thought he was going to rape her right there. She didn't appear to be enjoying it either.

  19. Cinabun10:47 AM

    Really? She was great @ blowing him off. And there were a ton of ppl there so nothing horrible would've happened.
    To me it was more 'this is the kind of a##hole I am, even though I am married & this girl is only tolerating me b/c we're on TV & she's decent, I think I am hot sh#t & soon she'll be begging me.' Big difference between that & rape.
    Been around lots of guys acting the same.
    If she had hit him in specific areas (neck, bridge of nose, knee, etc) & he'd have been done.
