Saturday, March 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 3, 2015

This A+ list diva took two hours to get ready to get her photo taken in ski attire and then when she finally did get her photo taken she passed over her kids to others and she went back inside. The diva needs rehab. Badly.

Mariah Carey


  1. June Gordon12:45 AM

    In fairness, it takes A LOT of Oxys to squeeze into ski clothes seven sizes too small.

  2. Cinabun1:30 AM

    She needs more than rehab, she's mentally ill. She drinks etc to try to deal w/ mental illnesses.
    Said 98% of addicts/alcoholics.

  3. Cinabun1:33 AM

    And her fiance scares is he helping her? I hope she doesn't end up like others who surround themselves with yes people & stay sick. Sad...

  4. Jerry Hall, who has always been down to earth and sweet married HER rich prince today. Mariah and her Shrek look-a-like will never walk down the aisle. At least not with each other. It would take a lot of Oxy (thanks June) to have to kiss this one, muchless anything beyond that. With all his $$$ couldn't he have some work done to make him at least presentable? Looks like he went 9 rounds with Conor McGregor...and lost.

  5. Unemployable2:39 AM

    Two hours isn't a lot of time to get ready for a photo shoot. Especially when she had to sqeeze in her daily champagne/enema ritual. (NPI... OK, P totally I)

  6. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)2:46 AM

    She's halfway there already. Very sad for her kids.

  7. pledge4:12 AM

    Haha @Eire you probably never met Jerry to say that. SHE IS NUTS and a real bitch. But she did make her dream come true because marrying a billionaire was her teen dream no matter if he's the devil reincarnated. She married Mr Burns and she's happy. His children on the other hand must be seething.

  8. And-so-on..6:07 AM

    Maybe they had ski dates, fun activities to do later.. ya know.. It's not like mother's have to be with their kiddies 24/7..

  9. Of course she's nuts, Pledge. She's from Texas! Miss Jerry goes WAY back to the pre-Studio 54 days. And that, honey, is a loooonnnng time ago. She's the good time who's been had by all, I like to say. She certainly has something. Look at all the men over the years who have fallen for her. Did you see pics of her wedding? That dress and veil are beyond hideous. And she wore Payless flats! I would love to see a copy of THAT prenup! I really feel sorry for her. She isn't attractive anymore. Never got that wonky tooth fixed even though she made millions. On a scale from 1 to 10, how miserable is Lucifer going to make her in the few years he has left? I can just see their wedding suite littered with sex toys!

  10. Little Dog7:50 AM

    Let me tell you, Shrek-a-like's Mother is never going to have Mariah as a daughter in law. It won't happen. There's waaaaaaay to much family credibility at stake for that to happen.

    There is no bigger matriarch in all of Australia than Mother Shrek and she's already been embarrassed by his previous train wreck dates!

    "Pariah" or "Meracker" as they've been dubbed, is purely a vehicle to introduce Shrek's movie production company. Apparently Miranda Kerr wasn't up for the gig!

  11. If you think Shrek-A-Like's mum is a ball buster, she has nothing on Rupert Murdoch's late, great mum. There must be something in the drinking water down there that makes them that way. I saw a photo of Shrek's almost ex-wife and she is stunningly pretty. Wha' happened?

  12. That's a bit of hyperbole. About 50% of addicts have pre-existing mental illness. The rest were likely shaped by trauma.

  13. Cinabun10:22 AM

    Actually if you consider the DSM's definition of drug/alcohol dependence (they don't like to call it addiction anymore for reasons I will intentionally omit here), alcohol & drug dependence itself qualifies as a mental illness.
    It's estimated that 40-60% of a person's *vulnerability* to becoming dependent on drugs is due to existing mental illness(es).
    It is extremely difficult to attain a percentage of comorbidity due to the high rate of those who never receive treatment, let alone those who do not maintain sobriety for longer than 90 days (current accepted amount of time before accurate diagnosis can occur).

  14. What a bizarre diatribe.

  15. What do you think she was? (Just curious. I agree that she needs help.)

  16. Snarknado8:16 PM

    Not if you saw the huge photo spread in the DM.

  17. Malibuborebee5:39 AM

    Poor Mimi, I don't want Shrek's Scieno-freak buddies to get her or her kids. Where is that moron Nick Cannon? Why isn't he ever looking after those children or having his mother/sister/aunt/whatever take care of them?
