Friday, March 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 12, 2016

This former A+ list tweener turned B+ list mostly movie actor still has a chance to make it to A list unlike the rest of the people on his tweener show. Anyway, our actor turned over his social media to his publicity seeking girlfriend and she has turned it into a mess. Everything posted is about her and she spends all her time making it seem like they spend 24/7 together. The problem is she is not very good remembering which account she is signed into.

Zac Efron/Sami Miro


  1. Kno Won Uno1:05 AM

    I wish it social media had stopped with Twitter.

  2. Derek Harvey1:06 AM

    Why bother doing all that? Is anyone (well besides the OBVIOUS few) interested in what Zac and Sami are up to? She is a nobody and he always comes across a PAY ATTENTION TO ME! NO DONT PAY ATTENTION TO ME!

  3. Kno Won Uno1:06 AM

    "it" doesn't belong there, obviously. =\

  4. sandybrook1:07 AM

    Hi Cubs! (whenever you get here)

  5. mariaj1:12 AM

    " Why bother doing all that?" You would be surprised to see how many people is willing to do that to get, like 100-200 persons, and even many less, to pay attention to them.

  6. Oh Zac girl.. we love you dearly girl.. we like girls and you can be our gay bff..

  7. Zac Efron needs to drop his beard before she ruins him. She was the source of his drugs on the set of 'Neighbors 2, Sorority Rising '.
    Sami tried to get Zac's B/F off the set of 'Baywatch' but she was sent packing instead.
    Sami is very angry right now and ready to pull another stunt for more attention.

  8. Molly2:03 AM

    What do you expect from a "low-rent Instagram model"? She's working hard to make herself relevant through Zac's Twitter and Instagram. Not sure how much that is helping him considering the Martin Luther King, Jr. tweet she posted, and he had to apologize for. Furthermore, I can't see that her main job being Zac Efron's girlfriend has brought her much fame. She's still only known as that girl who's dating Zac Efron.

  9. Theresa2:08 AM

    Sami Miro is out for what she can get and then she is going back to one of her past girlfriends. Open your eyes he is bi with a boyfriend and she is a lesbian

  10. Malibuborebee2:52 AM

    Agreed. He only gets my attention when he's so wasted that he "falls into a table" and breaks his jaw after a night of partying.

    Is that the new version of the old "swerved to avoid hitting a deer" that used to be so popular?

  11. Zac Efron should just come out and get rid of his beard.
    Zac has a bf and is trying to hide it.
    One of Zac friends says that Zac told them they needed to act straight if they wanted to continue to see him.

  12. Blain7:13 AM

    It is well known in Hollywood that Zac Efron is a least bi..
    When he travels to Europe there is always lots of mam on man action.

  13. @sandy
    Can u just stop? Why do u feel the need to make fun of me?

  14. @emma
    Are you also saying she was prolly the source also for the Hollywoodlfie story? What else can she do? All I see when she's home is she's working again and is busy?

  15. Who is Smais past "girlfriends" ? And why don't we ever see her? How do u know she's a lesbian when she wasn't even known till last year ? She's a nobody

  16. sandybrook8:28 AM

    I tease you because I like you, really.

  17. Your just being rude

  18. Theresa9:40 AM

    Most of Sami's girlfriends are bi or lesbian. She is always with them when possible.
    While Zac was filming in Hawaii last year Sami went to West Hollywood Gay Pride with one of her ex lesbian lovers who lives in San Francisco.

  19. The girl Ashley who was on the real world Explosion? I think that girl already has a gf on an off for two years? How do u know this? Do you really know things or are you looking at Instagram posts and making conclusions?

  20. Snarknado11:39 AM

    Rude? Where was she during obR? lol

  21. Which social media account? I don't see anything about her on his IG feed?

  22. @kat
    the pic of zac jumping in japan in the train station, sami posted that pic on her account, deleted it seconds later and posted an old pic of hers but quickly posted the pic on zac's account, its kinda obvious she posts for him like the mlk tweets, ''tweeting' at the same time, the fact that people actually think ''zac'' really tweets.
