Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 10, 2015

This B list mostly movie actress who dropped to C- and would have been lower except everyone has seen her movies is back to B- list if you stream shows. Anyway, at a charity event the other night she was badly needed but kept taking breaks which consisted of her drinking from a flask and smoking something that was not pot or tobacco.

Natasha Lyonne


  1. Such a sad case of a pretty woman who is slowly destroying herself through using drugs and alcohol to self medicate.

  2. ellie2:49 AM

    +1. Very pretty and talented :(.

  3. I thought she'd gotten her shit together after threatening to rape her neighbor's dog. Sad. I've liked her in every role. Never felt like she was acting.

  4. Juniper10:46 AM

    Such a shame. Natasha has fought the allure of drug addiction her entire life. I had hoped she beat it.
