Thursday, March 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 28, 2016

Apparently this former A+ list rapper turned A- list rapper with a grudge against everyone and everything except a designer and ice cream is not happy with terms of his loan/buyout. He basically delayed the record of this A+ list singer by almost a year because he refused to give up the work they had done together. He is also being accused of destroying work he did with this other A+ list singer who is married to the guy who runs his life.

Kanye West/Rihanna/Beyonce/Jay-Z


  1. snitty1:18 AM

    Burn those bridges, Kanye.

  2. Urg8urg1:43 AM

    Debra messing looks cracked out on access Hollywood live.

  3. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister1:46 AM

    Wow. That was a toughie. Did anyone figure it out? ;-)

  4. Studio542:39 AM

    LOL! This is hilarious! Jay Z running the shots in KonGAY's "career" is fitting, IMO.
