Saturday, March 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 26, 2015

This B+ list mostly movie actor is being nominated left and right this awards season for a role. It has also been a new woman almost every night for the married actor. The guy is a tool. Always has been and always will be.

Ethan Hawke


  1. I saw them in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. He was surrounded by dudes and yapping his head off while she walked 10 feet behind him. Just looked like a typical Brooklyn douche and delusional wife.

  2. muchlu12:43 AM

    guess I didnt know ...... used to have a crush when U was younger!

  3. Ginger12:58 AM

    He's so grubby looking. Do not get his appeal.

  4. For quite some time I totally agreed with you. What's up with this guy!? I met him, also in Brooklyn, and he is totally mesmerizing! He is super witty and looks you right in the eye while you're talking with him. He isn't looking around the room for someone hotter or inching to get away from you. He is also very mannerly. You have to meet him to understand why he's the man.

  5. Ginger1:04 AM

    @Nia..That is an interesting story. Thanks for sharing!

  6. megan00m1:08 AM

    I really like him. I enjoy his writing too. He took a lot of heat about it but I think it was enjoyable.

  7. Sadie1:40 AM

    When he was doing the endless rounds on talk shows etc. for Boyhood, I was struck by how needy he appears to be, desperate for attention. There was a funny bit on Lainey of him seeming to throw a temper tantrum at the Golden Globes apparently chewing out McConaughey who didn't appear to be phased by it (no surprise there). He has to be frustrated that try though he might, he just can't break into that A list. Maybe the womanizing is to compensate.

  8. Just don't sleep with him, Nia, trust me on this.

  9. Whoever is using my email to comment on this website, please stop. I'm getting emails every day.

  10. fritanga5:02 AM

    One of my friends used to refer to Hawke as "the unwashed horde." Have loathed him since Reality Bites; hated him more after he actually said that he left Uma Thurman because after she had their kids she was "no longer sexually appealing" to him.

    "Douchebag" is too mild a term for him. Plus, he's a highly overrated actor.

  11. Shut Up!5:37 AM

    How would anybody get your email? Better yet why would somebody impersonate you? Kook.

  12. Clearly someone has mistaken my email for their own and I am receiving emails notifying me when anyone responds to one of their comments

  13. Nia Lastra8:35 AM

    I had no idea that the name NIA belonged totally to you, Nia. So sorry. Won't do it again, even though it's my name. Sheesh.

  14. back again12:38 PM

    hahaha... i just got that.

  15. Cinabun3:27 AM

    No, someone else's name is Nia too. It's not that rare of a name.
    You don't own the name, so why not put an initial w/ it or change your name to something more original where you don't have someone else name?
    Just saying. Might help.
