Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blind Item #9

Apparently this B list former reality star from that A list reality show likes to listen to his "girlfriend" having sex with men for money. She usually has her phone on speaker.


  1. sandybrook3:48 AM

    Rob KTrash and Blac Chyna

  2. Kno Won Uno4:02 AM


  3. Derek Harvey4:14 AM

    I will guess that Johnathon Cheban
    I think "girlfriend" implies him being a closet case ---I dont think Rob is gay

  4. Lurky McLurkster5:02 AM

    "She usually has her phone on speaker." implies a female couple unless it is just sloppy writing

  5. Lurky McLurkster5:03 AM

    but it does say "his girlfriend". Dunno

  6. If he likes listening & she's bringing home the $, this sounds like a win-win situation.

  7. I think the "girlfriend" bit indicates that it's less of a genuine relationship and more of a "having sex with a hooker to make my family mad" type of thing.

  8. No, the hooker has her phone on speaker for her bf to hear. This is not complicated.

  9. Surly9:24 AM

    Dicksik for $100. Alec

  10. Antonio4:51 PM

    Not sure if he is but when he was in shape circa DWTS he had the ass of a power bottom. Still have pics of it to this day hoping it returns to its former glory

  11. ROB K. They're using each other.. Him to get back at his family because he has somewhat miss guided anger and she is because Kylie took her baby daddy but I think it's more for attention tbh
