Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blind Item #8

If you thought it was the husband who had the drug problem, you obviously have not taken a urine sample from this A list reality star. Some say she is the root of all the drug issues in the family. Everyone close to her got addicted while she pretends to be all goody goody.


  1. Kno Won Uno1:48 AM

    Not Kim?

  2. MontanaMarriott1:51 AM


  3. Snookiemonster2:12 AM


  4. Cindy2:13 AM


  5. sandybrook2:24 AM

    Mama KTrash did drugs while she cheated on her hubby with OJ.

  6. LA Rose2:25 AM

    100% Kourtney Kardashian

  7. Kno Won Uno2:28 AM

    Makes more sense. I keep forgetting they're still married.
    But I thought we *knew* she did drugs...I'm confused.

  8. Kno Won Uno2:29 AM

    Why narrow it down? She cheated on everybody with everybody else.

  9. vosem2:32 AM

    it can't be kourtney, she never married scott

  10. MontanaMarriott2:47 AM

    Thanks for enlightening me, I so do not follow the K Klan so I know nothing but what I find out about them on this site LOL

  11. Lavert2:54 AM

    It's Khloe.

    Kourtney's former partner, Scott Disick, is indeed an addict but they were never married.
    Kris may do drugs but none of her husbands have ever been purported to be addicts.

    "Everyone close to her" implies that Khloe was responsible for both Lamar and Rob becoming addicts.

  12. Kibble3:01 AM

    It's long been rumored that Khlobacca was a closeted druggie.

    The Enterns must be desperado to churn out something. Lamar and brother Rob for the addictions of those close to her.

  13. LA Rose3:08 AM Kourt & Scott are not married but I would still put all my money on that this blind is about this fake b##ch. She is always throwing her ex under the bus while playing the victim when we all know they have had a open relationship for yeeeeeeears!!!! Didn't she have a paternity suit over her first son Mason from a male model she f##ked around with while with Scott? She is out clubbing and partying almost every other night leaving clubs/parties/events f##ked up and always being escorted by her moms paid boy toy Corey. She pretends to be this health guru and doting single mom but in reality she a pill popping alcoholic who sleeps around 21 year old douche bags and has her kids raised by nannies 95% of the time. BTW, there is a rumor going around that her third kid Reign might not even be Scott's so there is that too. REALITY TRASH!!!

  14. parissucksliterally3:09 AM


  15. BudgetCeleb3:34 AM

    100% Khloe.

    I remember watching an episode when they were in Miami and Scott came to her in the bedroom and asked her for some pills for his headache or something then he said; "None of those wacky ones like you gave me last time" and she pulled out this BIG clear bag of different tablets. Lamar tried to tell us that she was a druggie, plus him and Scott were going to team up to realese a 'tell all' then he 'overdosed' (I still think they effed him up to protect their brand) Scott went back to Kourtney who treats him like a boy. Plus I always thought that episode were Khloe was hooked on that Latin coffee and acting like she was wacked off her mind was odd. I think they found her drugged up behaviour funny, so they filmed, edited then came up with that bullshit storyline

  16. Wendy3:34 AM

    I have never thought of Khloe as the goody goody...I mean she went to jail for a DUI. Does she act like the goody goody now?

    I guess I would assume it's Kim because she always talks about how she doesn't drink or anything.

  17. Wendy3:35 AM

    The husband part does sound like Lamar, but Kanye has been acting weird lately so I could see there being drug rumors about him.

  18. BudgetCeleb4:45 AM

    @ Wendy
    I know what your saying but I would say she's 'trying' by being by Lamar's bedside/helping him with his 'recovery' Kanye is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It's HARD work being married/in a relationship with those kardashian/Jenner women

  19. Malibuborebee6:13 AM

    It's the biggest of the Kartrashian whores. The biggest physically, not the biggest whore - that's Kim. Wait, with those gigantic ass fat injections, Kim might actually be the biggest whore and the biggest in cubic feet. Hard to say, really.

    Khlobacca was a drugged up mess long before the baller husband OD'd (or whatever he did). It wouldn't surprise me if she was the family dealer. It was probably her "business plan"
    before PMK got her more tv time.

    Awful people.

  20. If they're all such big druggies, fingers crossed one (or all) of them will finally OD.

  21. shaddup mimsey6:30 AM

    Kim. She's the one that acts like the goody goody.

  22. Wendy6:33 AM

    Agreed lol, it seems they ruin every male who comes into contact with them....The dad died of cancer so I guess that wasn't their doing...Rob has serious self esteem issues, Scott is an alcoholic, Bruce became a woman, Lamar OD'd, and Kanye is having a breakdown.

    They all seemed to be doing well before they met them too (aside from Scott, he wasn't famous before)

  23. SillyDilly8:17 AM

    Whoever it is must have magic powers, if she is capable of turning people into addicts without their cooperation! IOW, those druggies need to take responsibility on their own damn selves for their drug use. Unless they were forcibly restrained while drugs were shot into their veins and forced down their gullets against their will.

  24. just sayin10:11 AM

    Getting someone hooked on drugs is what a lot of people in this industry does to gain control over another person and this is also an ongoing thing among this famewhore social circle of gold diggers and entourages. The Kardashahoes/Jenners and their click of hoes they hang with are notorious for this. They will first party with the guy, enable him by thinking using drugs is beneficial for coping and continue to keep them supplied with it while eventually making them codependent on them and only them. This is called the trap game in Hollywood 101.

  25. robynsing3:00 PM

    Like I always say...if fattie Kimbot wants to lose the weight, she needs to move outa mommy's and into Khlomydia's where all the coke is

  26. Alabama3:39 PM

    I really wanted to say Sharon Osbourne but she's not a reality star anymore.
