Friday, March 04, 2016

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is all movies since her last tv show went under a couple of years ago has had a rough year. Some boyfriend issues with the boyfriend everyone loves to a little prescription pill problem. The thing is, when she goes through a pill time in her life she doesn't shower or take care of herself at all. She just throws on some clothes and a lot of perfume. There are times when she goes weeks without showering.


  1. Tricia1312:19 AM

    Dianne Kruger/ Josh Jackson

  2. AndrewBW12:58 AM

    @Molly - I know, that's what I thought!

  3. Jooles1:20 AM

    That explains the Reedus hookup then. He appears to go weeks between showers too.

  4. BigBlue1:52 AM

    If it's Diane Kruger, no problemo. A hosing off in the backyard, a quick toweling down (or maybe not-so-quick), a spritz of doggie deodorizer that's lying around, and we're good to go...

  5. Whywhywhy???2:00 AM

    1797 Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine - "Home in three days. Don't wash."

    2015 Norman Reedus to Dianne Kruger - Drugs at your home. Don't wash.

    Some things never change?

  6. kibble2:50 AM

    Ha ha ha! Gold star for your post. :)

  7. Dutch3:16 AM

    I don't think it's Dianne Kruger. She looked well washed at the Oscar after parties. And does everyone really love Joshua Jackson? I think he is so bland.

  8. Hot Cola11:08 AM

    That's sounds about right.
    And Yuk Yuk Yuk

  9. Hot Cola11:10 AM

    I think "everyone" "loves" them togethe bcuz they've been together for so long.

  10. marlo3:07 PM

    It was 3 weeks and not 3 days.
    He wrote Josephine from the front, telling her that he would be back in 3 weeks, and not to wash until then.
