Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blind Item #7

This B list mostly television actress who was in that franchise, must be taking lessons from Ryan Reynolds. Change a story to fit the situation. The actress has a new line she says is inspired by one thing. The problem is she used to say it was inspired by her now ex husband.


  1. Derek Harvey1:30 AM

    nikki reid

  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    and Paul McDonald

  3. Derek Harvey1:32 AM

    she's a doll

    Nikki Reed Passes Out Sweet Notes to Strangers
    Just Jared-Mar 18, 2016
    Nikki Reed drapes a scarf over her shoulders as she arrives at LAX airport on Thursday (March 17) in Los Angeles. The 27-year-old actress ...

  4. Kno Won Uno1:56 AM

    How about this one? (I agree it's her - and if her mouth is moving, she's lying)
    " "Sitting here bottle-feeding this orphaned baby squirrel is reminding me of the fourteen baby bunnies mom and I found and cared for when I was a little girl," she wrote in the caption for the picture. "I remember begging (although it didn't take much) to be their foster family and mom so easily giving in." " (US magazine)
    I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  5. Derek Harvey3:38 AM

    she thinks the public is stupid

  6. Seriously, it's like she thinks she is surrounded by dung flies who can barely remember what they landed on three minutes ago.
    Maybe she is a compulsive liar? I'd believe that if all her words weren't meant to make her rich & famous.

  7. FancyPants6:28 AM

    Oh gawd, her again? Well since her newest hubbys fan base adopted her they average age what ... 12 .... so they are gullable enough to believe her nonsense. Who even reads those novels she posts anymore? LOL
