Monday, March 14, 2016

Blind Item #7

This A list reality star might not have had time for her fans at a recent paid event where her fans paid sometimes thousands of dollars to meet her, but our reality star did have time for a coke spree in her limo which she made drive around for two hours while our reality star and her friends imbibed.


  1. Derek Harvey1:30 AM

    khloe k

  2. Derek Harvey1:34 AM

    Khloe Kardashian puts killer curves on display in sequined catsuit as she parties in Las Vegas‎ - 2 days ago
    Khloe Kardashian totally stole the show from BFF Malika Haaq as they partied in Las Vegas ..

    did a paid appearance in Vegas...I do not understand people that will pay over 100 bucks to watch a Kardashian drink behind a gated stage---my friend worked at an event in Ottawa that she did and said the people that came were complete morons...I would rather watch Madonna trollop around on a tricycle

  3. Tricia131:39 AM

    Kylie Jenner possibly? She's had several recent events for her Puma deal, etc and her make up line. Young, and it would be crazy- but she is half Kartrashian....

  4. Kno Won Uno1:43 AM

    I loved that sequined catsuit, though. LOVED it.
    Their entire empire is built on people watching them do literally nothing.
    I dream that the final marketing level is the Kardashian Zoo, where they live in professionally decorated glass cubes and people pay to walk through and stare at them. People could rent certain cubes for a wedding reception or birthday party - hang them from the ceiling like 60s cage dancers. It's a fitting pinnacle to an utterly talentless brand.

  5. Zilla12:06 AM

    Kylie. Just did a grand opening for a candy store somewhere.

  6. LA Rose2:18 AM

    Kylie Jenner (with her LA squad) at the Grand Opening of the Sugar Factory in Orlando Florida.

  7. Hannah S3:41 AM

    Kylie starting young I see. Great job PMK.

  8. Dutch5:34 AM

    Who are the idiots who pay thousands to see a Lardashian?

  9. absosososoolutely agree w/ U...
    i can see it very vividly...

  10. just a regular idiots, a lot of them, legions of them...

  11. Malibuborebee7:55 AM

    Kartrashian Kubes - that is pure genius, Kno.

  12. robynsing11:32 AM

    I always say, Kim should stop complaining about not being able to lose the weight. All she has to do is move out of mommy's house and move in with Khlomydia where all the coke is

  13. love yourself5:46 PM

    Robynsing.... which leads me to believe that she is really jus a BEARD.. she got her child support cough cough babies.... which are tied to a really famous father....unlike her last husbands..... which allows her children to always have a connection to Hollywood and the music world...forever... she realized football nor basketball was the way to go....

  14. Unemployable11:46 PM

    Just put them in a real zoo. Then the Panda's could watch them and learn how to fornicate.
