Monday, March 28, 2016

Blind Item #5

It does not appear that this A- list actress/B+ list singer/A+ list everything in her mind has given up entertaining for those who kill or have people killed. Our A+ lister in her mind took home a very pricey paycheck for a performance that was not just the one barely reported in the media.


  1. Derek Harvey12:45 AM

    j lo

  2. Kno Won Uno12:56 AM

    Totes, even though I have no frickin idea WTF this means: "...for a performance that was not just the one barely reported in the media...."

  3. Derek Harvey12:58 AM

    There was talk of her doing a private concert for some rich guys in the Middle East

  4. June Gordon1:07 AM

    A JLo concert isn't entertainment -- it's terrorism.

  5. French girl1:14 AM

    Leo Dicaprio spends holidays on the yatchs with the same persons and Enty never wrote about him

  6. Derek Harvey1:14 AM

    very true

  7. And-so-on..1:15 AM

    She longs to live on the wild side.. but, she's just chill Jenny from the block..

  8. just4fun1:41 AM

    The rating of A- list actress /B+ list singer should rule out JLo (even though I know the A+ everything in her mind is Enty's go-to description for her).

  9. Muchlu1:59 AM

    J Lo did a concert for a billionaires son in Russia... But think it's more than just singing...

  10. J.Lo performing at a birthday party for $$$ in Russia, pics online yesterday

  11. guidedog4:41 AM

    J. Lo. A-? Try C. And these middle East/Russian "private" performances are typically performed on their backs. This is how the celebrity Ho-Stroll goes down.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:21 AM

    So JLo or whoever is this is paid a f word ton of dough for doing their job and getting thrashed because of it, but barack hussein obama visits criminal dictators castros while their police beat the f word up of dissidents on the streets and he is praised for making friendships.

  13. I'm confused... if this was JL, was she lip syncing? I am remembering the blind from a couple of months ago which implied that JL was possibly a manufactured pop star ala Milli Vanilli... anyone else remember that?

  14. back again9:15 AM

    yeah & good point @ ryan...and that Milli Vanilli (MV) Blind is a long running one on here-since MV is pretty much down to J-Lo or Britney Spears (i believe),who knows who that'll end up being b/c this blind does tend to counter all the lipsyncing crap.Of course,i suppose she can lip sync at her private performances as well so there's also thaaaat.(not to mention 'perform' in other ways).

  15. Snarknado11:41 AM

    Castro is so 1962. That's over 50 years ago. No one young cares about oldster hate.

  16. Lavert11:05 PM

    Dear Kermit,

    Frequent visitors to this site understand that the “blinds” are for the most part
    1. Made up, or
    2. Taken from the news.

    So, clearly, we are here for mindless entertainment.

    Please do not inflict your idiotic and uninformed political opinions on us.

    Although, your arguments are thoughtfully presented and intelligently articulated.

  17. Singing for Hitlery and or Obummer is also performing for killers.
