Monday, March 21, 2016

Blind Item #5

This B- list mostly movie actor is the straight to DVD/On Demand king. No, seriously, he is. The guy whips out ten movies a year just because the press can say as seen in the movie ______________ which is one of the biggest hits of all time and isn't Lord Of The Rings which every actor seems to have starred. It is like East Enders at this point. Anyway, our actor has been piling on the pounds and seeing a man which must be awkward for his long time significant other.


  1. Derek Harvey12:46 AM

    billy zane

  2. Derek Harvey12:48 AM

    Billy Zane caught looking Titanic during post-lunch snooze in London 19, 2016
    Actor Billy Zane looks virtually unrecognisable as he dozes off with a friend while dining ... “I refer to her as my wife, she calls me her husband.

    I watched the WORST movie with him and Estella Warren the other night called Blue Seduction....

  3. Kno Won Uno1:02 AM

    Yup. DM yesterday, lunching with "esteemed Saville Row designer Ozwald Boateng "

  4. Kno Won Uno1:03 AM

    Sorry - no lunch, just beverages.

  5. Derek Harvey1:05 AM

    Maybe Ozwald will be the Blac Chyna to his Rob Kardashian and help him shed a few pounds--he looks bad...

  6. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    I'm really hoping he's not hooking up with Boateng because he's dressed terribly, looks like a hobo.

  7. mariaj1:29 AM

    He was so sexy, back in the days, that sexyness that is natural, not posed and all

  8. Scorpiotina1:38 AM

    Billy Zane was very hot back in the day. Dead Calm was so good.

  9. mariaj1:56 AM

    Looking thru old pics of him, wow, i just noticed he quite reminds me of Marlon Brando, perhaps is even a little for this too that i found him sexy

  10. Zilla16:34 AM

    Wow, he has packed on a LOT of weight. He can't be comfortable and his back must hurt.

  11. Malibuborebee7:10 AM

    Gay or bi? I've forgotten.

  12. Hot Cola7:49 AM

    Maybe he'll transition too

  13. Antonio4:01 PM

    Damn Billy has always been sexy af not sure why he wasn't a bigger star. At least now I know he likes dark meat and those are natural dsl's, now to get him back to his fuc...fighting weight and we're good. This BBC will be here for ya baby :)
