Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blind Item #3

Usually this former A list mostly television actress from the now ended long running network comedy never has anything said bad about her. They are now. The actress who is now mostly movies is one of the biggest celebrity users of waters and was trying her best to make sure the drought continued. She uses about five times the amount of water a normal family uses.


  1. Bitchy McSnappy12:04 AM

    Amy Poehler

  2. MontanaMarriott12:11 AM

    Tina Fey?

  3. French girl12:20 AM

    Amy Poehler is outed for it in some medias

  4. Kno Won Uno12:35 AM

    Another not-blind.

  5. Guesser1:04 AM

    Won't be going to Leo 's house I guess.

  6. Guesser1:17 AM

    Not only not a blind, it's a news story. Also can't believe the high water use for the average family in that area. Even before trying to cut back never used anywhere near that much.

  7. Cinabun1:28 AM

    But dahlink, don't you know who I *am*???

  8. Groaning1:52 AM

    Jennifer Aniston?

  9. It is Pohler & this makes me no longer a fan. Name & shame the water wasters! I live in Cali & it chaps my ass that celebrities flout the water fines because $500 to them is pocket change. The fines should be relative to income. Sadly, you can't force people to respect the environment.

  10. megan00m3:39 AM

    A lot of the people who got in trouble turned out to have leaks under the foundation or structural leaks. Which suuuuucks. I too had an issue in southern CA. It was ginger straight back into the ground so none knew until a huuuuge bill came.

  11. megan00m3:40 AM

    Going = ginger on my phn? Lol

  12. Gookie4:04 AM

    Who can blame her. She's probably still trying to get off the scent of Will Arnett.

  13. Kathy4:36 AM

    Damn you Gookie! You made me laugh so hard I spat out my water!
