Sunday, March 06, 2016

Blind Item #2

Apparently this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has decided to be less discreet when it comes to his companionship. Not open, but less discreet. He took home some women who identify as women, but are still pre-op. They are extremely well known around higher end venues for providing fun at a cost. Our actor didn't seem to mind that everyone knew they were going with him.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Bradley Cooper?

  2. sandybrook10:46 PM


  3. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Or Leo DiCaprio actually

  4. sandybrook10:47 PM

    welp there's the 2 obvious choices, everybody choose your side

  5. Kno Won Uno10:54 PM

    He has his Oscar now, f@ck it. Good for him.

  6. sandybrook10:57 PM

    I dont think he ever had many to give in any case.

  7. French girl11:00 PM

    Dicaprio leaving club this week end with some full makeup blondes

    This blind is an insult to these women

  8. Kno Won Uno11:02 PM

    Enty often insults women. Might be why an 'attorney' lives in his mother's basement ;-)

  9. Alice Hastings11:38 PM


  10. French girl11:38 PM

    3 divorces and no pre-nup ? ????

  11. mariaj12:02 AM

    Idk if this blind is about Di Caprio, and i would say that if Ryan Reynolds is A+ List, Di Caprio is A+++ lost, but maybe Enty was talking about some others nights or other actors.

    Anyway, i have read just some days ago an article that talked about Leo Di Caprio talking about being not sure about hie sexuality. implying that he was bi, I think it was from after Romeo And Juliet or just before that. The article stated that after that he was pushed back inside the closet by his publicist.

    I was surprised, cause i didn't know that Leo has been so open about his sexuality, like, EVER.

  12. nameless12:10 AM

    @french girl

    wow. those two women actually DO look trans.

  13. this is dicaprio.
    french girl got the link above in the comments. and yes, those two women in blue/white dresses in those photos are ABSOLUTELY pre-op trans, take it from someone who can easily spot it

    also, this is the second time I recall he's piled a few trans ladies into a car and sped off from a club. there's video of another time

  14. @mariaj

    It's from Interview Magazine in 1995.

  15. mariaj12:30 AM

    When i saw the pics i thought that, yes, they could be pre-op trans, especially the one with the blue dress.

  16. Patricia Solomon,PHD12:33 AM

    Recently in London and heard gossip about a 'close friendship' Leo has with co-worker (in 2 films) with Tom Hardy...who also identifies as bi.

  17. charismatic2:11 AM

    men that label themselves as bisexual just use that term until the world and their loved ones are ok with them saying, actually, I'm gay!

  18. hollah2:40 AM

    don't know if they are or aren't pre-op t, but to me they don't appear to be -- hands and feet too small, 'feminine,' imo.

  19. Those women are an insult to my eyes.

  20. Looking closely5:08 AM

    I don't know if DiCaprio is gay or not (NTTWTT) nor what his particular sexual preferences are, but there certainly are a minority of males who like having sex with both men and women.

    Which isn't to say they don't have a sexual PREFERENCE (some prefer men, some women), but if they're open to sex with either gender, then they're "bisexual".
