Monday, March 07, 2016

Blind Item #2

This oft troubled comedian who has been oft troubled again this past month is so broke he is stealing drugs from dealers. Yeah, that will get you killed.


  1. Derek Harvey10:46 PM

    kat williams

  2. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Dave Chappele
    Or Kat williams

  3. Marianne10:50 PM

    +1 he's going to deal with the wrong person at the wrong time and that will be that.

  4. Per Katt Williams, he has never been arrested for drugs! He only smokes weed. :-)

  5. Whywhywhy???11:37 PM

    I don't see Dave Chappelle as so broke but I do see Kat Williams as broke and crazy as hell!

  6. Def Kat. he's been getting arrested every other day in ATL. Dave Chappele is mostly a pot head, not the type to steal drugs.

  7. Kno Won Uno11:54 PM

    Dave Chappelle is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.
    Kat Williams is a dufus.
    (Chappelle is also hot AF, so there's that)

  8. Tricia1311:57 PM

    He's definitely talented and I hope all the trouble behind him...I know he was heckled offstage not long ago because he was way (on something) and haven't seen much progress though I think he had a show lined up- didn't happen ? Dunno....

  9. Cinabun12:20 AM

    Katt has def had more headlines about his behavior lately. I love Chappelle & hope this isn't him.
    Watched 1 show of Katt's. He can be funny but he takes it too far. Chris Rock should give him some pointers.

  10. Could this blind be the ever-troubled Andy Dick?

  11. anna from savannah1:01 AM

    Dave owns a farm and has a family. Did you know Dave is Muslim? Funniest man on Earth. He's too centered and too smart to get caught up in the drug web of celebritydom. That's why he walked away from his TV show and countless millions. Not Dave.

  12. HH3141:40 AM


  13. HH3141:41 AM

    His behavior would suggest meth :-(

  14. HH3141:42 AM

    Yeah, he walked away because he was hopped on meth. He has serious drug issues and lost 50M/year because of that. I am sure his family is thrilled

  15. Malibuborebee1:44 AM

    Child, please.

    There were absolutely a ton of drugs involved in his 'breakdown' and in walking away from his show as well as some of the other shit he's pulled. He's not completely clean now but he's better than he was.

    Anyway, I think this one is about Katt Williams, he's been in the news for crazy, drug-fuelled behavior lately.

  16. Malibuborebee1:47 AM

    +1 He's a mess and in the news for it.

    I've seen him do brilliant comedy bits but this is just about the dumbest thing someone could do. They'll kill him or at the very least put him in the hospital.

  17. Cinabun2:35 AM


  18. Studio543:48 AM

    Chappelle is a major druggie, that's why he had to leave his TV show.

  19. Frank6:51 AM

    +1 the Chappele guess. Katt has been over for a long time, in the news but barely considered a comedian. I think former fits better. DC keeps getting into it though- still works, but still really erratic.

  20. Frank6:55 AM

    Yes Chappelle(sp?) then ran to South Africa and that was a weird episode. Definitely drugs. Stealing not sure if it's true.

  21. Derek Harvey7:57 AM

    Has he been in the news this month? AT ALL? He has been ON TOUR -and doing tv shows...

  22. Derek's Anal Beads8:54 AM

    You would know since Google is your #1 speed dial. Get there first, sissy.
