Thursday, March 24, 2016

Blind Item #1

Don't give a pet to this Teen Mom 2 star. It will be killed. The reality star gets tired of the pets in the house so forces them outside. At least two have been killed in the past few months.


  1. sandybrook11:36 PM

    Must be Jennelle, she's not exactly a responsible person/mother

  2. nancer11:55 PM

    i say it's chelsea. they just got a pig and i think she had 6 dogs.

  3. I can't with these worthless teenage twats. It's sickening how they are allowed to profit off their horrible choices & continue to endanger the lives of innocents (babies & animals). Sick society that promotes & watches such drivel. Why is no one calling Animal Control & CPS?!

  4. Ashley1:11 AM

    It's Leah. She had a litter of kittens last season. She kept a couple, kept them outside and they were both hit by cars. She just replaced them with a puppy.

  5. Ashley1:13 AM

    I WISH someone would call animal control on Leah- she keeps leaving her pets outside and they get hit by cars. Heck, her DAUGHTER was recently found wandering around outside and (thankfully) picked up by police. It sickens me that to replace the cats she just got a dog, when she can't even handle her own children. I HIGHLY doubt the dog will make it more than a season.

  6. Jenelle, a few years back she was fighting with fans on Twitter after someone got a photo of her dog chained to a tree outside

  7. Marianne2:29 AM

    Faraha that's my guess, although jenelle is a pos shit too, too close to call

  8. rerun2:48 AM

    Shouldn't we also not allow kids with these teen mothers as well?

  9. These people are scum - stop watching their shows and they'll stop getting attention. Eventually CPS will wise up, take the children, and pets. Throw the lazy lot of them in jail.

  10. Jenelle is Teen Mom OG. Leah is an absolute mess, it's gotta be her.

  11. Oh wait nevermind Jenelle is TM2 oops.

  12. Not all of them are bad, you're judging based off the absolute worst ones. Jenelle's mother is taking care of her child, and Leah's baby daddy is getting custody of their girls. The kids are fine, they're not in danger. Farrah's daughter is only in danger of growing up to be a carbon copy of a Kardashian.
