Monday, March 21, 2016

Blind Item #10

After a long stint of sobriety, this senior citizen from a permanent A+ list foreign band is back on drugs in a big way. Probably not the best time in his life to be doing so. Oh, and the rest of the band would kick him out in a second.


  1. Tricia134:00 AM


  2. Tricia134:00 AM

    Or Keith Richards

  3. Kno Won Uno4:01 AM

    Keith Richards

  4. Kno Won Uno4:03 AM

    They're doing their Cuba concert - is it today?

  5. shaddup mimsey4:03 AM

    Keith Richards

  6. Charlie4:12 AM

    Ronnie Wood... wife is about to have twins.

  7. Salaam4:12 AM

    Keith can't get kicked out of the Stones under the structure of the band. They would have to dissolve.

    I'd say Ozzie is a far better pick.

  8. Kno Won Uno4:16 AM

    If you're talking Black Sabbath - Ozzy IS the band.
    If you're talking his solo career, he definitely can't kick himself out.
    It would be like the Stones offloading Mick Jagger.
    Not Osbourne.

  9. Kno Won Uno4:17 AM

    That makes sense. I'd forgotten that bit of creepiness.

  10. Guesser4:33 AM

    He was kicked out before. Many years Black Sabbath performed with another singer.

  11. Fred844:40 AM

    Ron Woods.

  12. Lurky McLurkster4:41 AM

    Plus this is Sabbath's farewell tour so not much of a point in kicking anybody out now.

  13. Malibuborebee5:10 AM

    It's probably Ronnie Woods but would they really bother to kick him out at this point? Keef's been a functioning junkie for years, they're all practically embalmed anyway. What difference could it make?

  14. Unemployable5:12 AM

    If Mick wants someone out of the Rolling Stones he'll just pull the plug on their life support.

  15. Zilla15:53 AM

    Ozzy infamously relapsed only a few years ago, (Sharon nearly divorced him over it) so I don't think this is him.

  16. Zilla15:54 AM

    It's Ron Wood, not Woods.

  17. I believe their free concert is Friday or Saturday. It is going to be historic! The Cubans listen to American radio from Miami and know all the Stone's songs. Wish I could be there!

  18. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob6:43 AM

    I do not think this is any of the Rolling Stones, for "After a long stint of sobriety" is not a sentence I can relate to them.

  19. Zilla16:48 AM

    Charlie Watts did have some substance/alcohol issues back in the 80's, and went cold turkey after a few years, but I doubt they would kick him from the band even if this was him, which I doubt it is.

  20. AMartel7:07 AM

    Dang, Ronnie. It can't be Keith. It wouldn't be the Stones w/o Keith but Ronnie (after 35 years) is "the new guy" so they could dump him. Keith's been sober-ish (for him) for years and Mick has always been cautious (for a rock star). Charlie had some late-breaking addiction issues but left that behind a long time ago. Can't see the band w/o Charlie, either. Relapsing Ronnie is trouble. Stones are currently touring south america so no access issues.

  21. Cinabun8:48 AM

    The Edge from U2? None of the rest seem to fit quite right...

  22. Laura Palmer12:25 PM

    Keith is the kick. Charlie is the bang..there's no way in hell way. Ronnie has always been a wasteoid.. it's the Stones. So this blind can't be them.

  23. robynsing2:17 PM

    Steven Tyler

  24. CindyC4:00 AM

    Gotta be Ronnie Wood. As everyone said, his wife is having twins. she was touring with him, but stopped because of the Zika virus threat to her pregnancy.

    She has done a great job keeping him sober while she travelled with him. sounds like he slipped now that she's gone.

  25. Not foreign.
