Thursday, March 31, 2016

Blind Item #1

When this former A list tweener turned B+ list singer gets breathed on by a female celebrity the tabloids have them dating. When he actually goes out with his boyfriend multiple times each week to dinner and events, they say nothing. Just call the date, a friend.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:32 PM

    Nick J

  2. MontanaMarriott11:36 PM

    He should just tag onto Kendall Jenner they could both beard for each other, get tons of publicity and no one except us Gossip bloggers would know LOL

  3. sandybrook11:37 PM


  4. Kno Won Uno11:47 PM

    ENTY - do you know lipstickalley is reposting your stuff?
    Poster is "Controverse", Blind Items thread started last evening. Looks like a direct copy/paste.

  5. Derek Harvey1:43 AM

    probably people from that OTHER site...they say this site is shite and we are all jokes but they still read and obsess ...annoying!

  6. Kno Won Uno1:50 AM

    Ahh, I see. The thread ( I saw has virtually everything Enty's posted this week. I recognized the language immediately. CDaN wasn't credited.

  7. Funny that's how I found CDAN...LipstickAlley.

  8. longtimereader3:33 AM

    via the ever wonderful and funny michael k...

  9. Dutch3:46 AM

    Oh god no! I want the Lardashian/Jenner clan to fade away.

  10. Michael K is freakin' hilarious.

  11. Malibuborebee5:49 AM

    What other site, the one that Talks Too Much and the CDaN refugees started as a book club (or something)? I always thought that was weird.

  12. burrito sale6:24 AM

    nick jonas with his boyfriend at the basketball game the other day.

    people who fall for this stuff deserve their own naivete.

  13. Derek Harvey6:59 AM

    nah--I was referring more to the Anarchy one. It is a nice looking site and has some ok content but the most of the posters there are dreadful--only interested in discussing their own lives etc. I haven't lurked there in forever but last time I did it was everyone kissing each others asses and bragging about "how much betetr their site is and how this site and its commentors suck"--like they haven't moved on with their lives. They honestly thought by switching sites that this one would shut down--and most go out of there way to read the blinds in other forums such as AGC..

    Too long dont read--They are dumb hypocrites that are starved for validation...

  14. Derek Harvey7:01 AM

    gah---holy typos

  15. This is pretty standard crap. Al these people in same-sex relationships are linked to any member of the opposite sex that breathes near them as click bait for magazines, because the mags are not allowed to say you know, Harry Styles was out with his boyfriend or the Jonai were hitting guys.

    This is why we still get the nauseating heterosexual cover stories, because otherwise they'd have to write the truth and it'd take up too many pages. Their handlers and 10%ers want their cut of the profits generated from 24/7 hetero fantasy. Welcome to equality 2016, folks!

  16. Jonai hitting UP guys, ffs. My keyboard's fucked. Sorry.

  17. NoseyNeighbor8:46 PM

    Actually, I think they make more money from the gay speculation. Being in the closet brings the gawkers around. Constant click bait. Then again, there are hetero women who feel their fantasy is ruined once they know a guy is gay. Weird.

  18. lilphantomravioli3:25 AM

    Admittedly haven't been on that forum in a couple weeks, so maybe there's a 'font' (as their vernacular goes) now posting as if it's original gossip...But in general, while they do frequently repost blinds for guessing purposes, they do credit CDAN and usually provide a link to the original blind. They just copy + paste the whole thing directly bc that site's users HATE clicking links lol. They do the same with any type of third party article. Plus, their actual original gossip constantly gets stolen by other sites, including CDAN (though not here nearly as much as MediaTakeOut). So I would say it's a bit of a symbiotic relationship.

  19. He should go the kristan Stewart route and hold his bf's hand while strolling. Don't say a word just casually stroll holding his hand. Tabloid headline: [girl crazy nick Jonas helps platonic male friend cross street safely by holding his hand . Safety first! ]
