Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 16, 2015

I don’t know if it is blind devotion or love or what, but this current A list singer who could fall just as quickly as he rose if he doesn’t have a string of hits made his model/celebrity offspring girlfriend show everyone around a VIP table at a fashion week after party her bare breasts. According to one of the people who were there he basically shamed her into doing it and she looked extremely embarrassed.

The Weeknd/Bella Hadid


  1. Kno Won Uno2:34 AM

    Well, one of the Hadids had a notable nip slip at a fashion week and kept walking the runway. Probably apropos to nothing.

  2. sandybrook2:44 AM

    Gigi had no f8cks to give the other day maybe Bella needs to loosen up especially with yacht girling season upcoming.

  3. Why on earth do women fall for this crap? SAY NO.

  4. AndrewBW3:29 AM

    I never get invited to these kinds of parties . . .

  5. Cinabun3:39 AM

    + infinity
    No guy, or girl, or sex, or $s is enough.

  6. Thank goodness my momma raised me right. This girl has every opportunity at her feet, yet she's still flashing her titties like a desperate stripper (without the added benefit of money). Wealth will never be able to buy her self-esteem or good judgment.

  7. Cinabun5:03 AM

    Raised that way... look @ her momma. Blech.

  8. What was she supposed to do stop the show and make a big deal about fixing it? She was professional and did her job despite distractions

  9. Anyone who has paid attention to his lyrics shouldn't be surprised by this

  10. texasrose5:27 AM

    As if she wasn't already humiliated by the rooster on her boyfriends head.

  11. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter6:52 AM


  12. Emmaf6:52 AM

    He wouldn't be ablebto feel his face for ages if he tried this crap with any girl I know.

  13. Ms. Anne Thrope7:02 AM

    I agree, these women need to say no. And if anyone had "Flash In the Pan" written all over him, it's the Weeknd. Personally I'm sick to death of hearing him constantly on the radio.

  14. Gookie7:07 AM

    Such a small price to pay to be a fame whore.

  15. Looks like he got his string of hits. He's an Oscar nominee now!

  16. CrazyDawn10:29 AM

    He will be washed up within two years or not sooner. He sounds too much like Michael Jackson, not very original at all. And that hair...
    Anyhow, is Bells's father not one of the most wealthiest men in California, his career could be over in minutes if he wanted it to. Just pathetic.

  17. Penelope 210:41 AM

    He must be doing a number on her self esteem... I can't imagine dating one of these celeb guys, their narcissism is off the charts and they probably make women feel suicidally low and worthless.

  18. Penelope 210:43 AM

    I just did a google search on images for them. He is smiling in them all, and she looks like a deer caught in headlights, no smile at all (in ANY), just lost.

  19. Stacey11:41 AM

    Why would she listen to him and expose herself? I just don't understand these reality models.

  20. June Gordon11:56 AM

    Yolanda, a Dutch Hooker and sufferer of Munchy-munchy-housin', won't care just as long as her protegees keep their names on our lips and famous dicks on theirs.

  21. Prudence2:37 PM

    Junie - so Yolanda had Munchausen's? I wouldn't be surprised
