Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

June 2, 2015

This B- list mostly television actor who is only this high because of his family name and because he finally landed a regular tv gig is married to a celebrity who was A list back in the day. Apparently the marriage is over because he was pretty public with another woman last night at an event where spouses would normally be expected.

William Baldwin/Chynna Phillips


  1. Ms. Anne Thrope2:42 AM

    Every time I see Chynna Phillips I think of that scene in Say Anything where Lily Taylor sings "He likes girls, with names like Ashley" LOL

  2. Cinabun2:54 AM

    Didn't he promote himself as Mr. Christian? Or is that one of the other Baldwins?

  3. Ms. Anne Thrope2:59 AM

    I think that's Stephen.

  4. Cinabun3:04 AM

    Yep, you're right. Thanks! :-)

  5. Ms. Anne Thrope3:04 AM

    you're welcome :)

  6. Unemployable3:50 AM

    I love this guy! He's like the Black Knight in that Monty Python movie! Keep em coming, lil guy. It's only a flesh wound.

  7. Claire6:27 AM

    This is hilarious coming from someone with such a worthless life that he has nothing better to do than troll a celebrity gossip site.
