Sunday, February 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 29, 2015

This B list mostly movie actress from multiple franchises that seem to have taken a very long break had a handful of her significant other’s hair in her hand after a fight in a restaurant parking lot the other night.

Zoe Saldana


  1. her hubby appears to be a loser though. no job, no prospects... i feel sorry for some of these actresses who can have any man they want and they always end up choosing losers (looking at you kaley c. - although she redeemed herself since she dumped the leech).

  2. katiepotatie3:22 AM

    B list???? Why so low Enty?

  3. Maybe she can rip out the rest of that nasty-ass man bun during the next parking lot brawl.

  4. Zilla15:18 AM

    The sequel is still listed as in pre-production on IMDB. I'm wondering if it really is a franchise anymore at this point.`

  5. Derek's Thong6:05 AM


  6. thebutlerdidit1:26 PM

    Teach women to not abuse, please. It's becoming an epidemic. In the shelters where I volunteer, we are seeing huge spikes in molestation & physical abuse.

  7. Patrick1:50 PM

    Guardians of the Galaxy 2 started filming this week in the ATL. Plus, there is Star Trek, no.3 of which comes out this year. She's got more than James Cameron's sequel on deck, if that ever even gets made.

  8. Yeah, I love Guardians of the galaxy! Can't wait!

  9. Pirate Booty's Mother6:18 AM

    By women, I'm assuming? That's more than awful. Women are trusted not to be like this. I guess in years to come, women will join the "Stranger-Danger" litany taught to youngsters. Sigh....
