Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 21, 2015

The 80's

This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit almost television show was still new to the scene back when she filmed this cult classic which everyone has probably seen and quotes lines from. She was married while filming it but had an affair with her co-star and when she started doing press for it her husband found out and they split. She would later go on to marry a not so nice guy.

Robin Wright/Princess Bride/Cary Elwes/Sean Penn


  1. sandybrook2:40 AM

    Dane Witherspoon was also her co-star, and so was Peen, so apparently Robin has a habit of falling for her co-stars.

  2. Am I the only one whose never seen Princess Bride? I tried to watch it one time and lasted 20 minutes.

  3. Kno Won Uno4:14 AM

    I've seen pieces of it, never the whole thing. Enty thinks he's everyone.

  4. I've never seen it either and I'm a product of the 80's.

  5. Ok so I'm not alone.

  6. Not surprising, she was just a baby in her early 20's

  7. Dexknows5:14 AM

    I'm just not that into it.. Could never get through the entire movie.

  8. Kibble5:15 AM



  9. Before "The Princess Bride" was release, I was invited to a screening.
    For some reason, I remember being the only one laughing at the jokes while watching the film. I thought it odd. I also remember seeing Rob Reiner looking in my direction to see who was chuckling at a funny scene early in the movie -- it was something about Fezzick.
    Now 30 years later, I think he was just interested in seeing who was the only attendee that was getting the jokes.
    Apparently, the rest of the audience was industry insiders and didn't get it.
    Anyway, just after the credits, the writer friend -- who invited me -- wanted to get out of there quickly.
    Later, he asked what I had found so funny. He was embarrassed that I found the film humorous. (He thought it sucked.)
    Oh, well...

  10. TopperMadison6:54 AM

    Westley and Buttercup 4-ever!

  11. You keep using that word. I do not think It means what you think it means

  12. Stacey9:32 AM

    She should have stuck with Wesley.

  13. Christine11:52 AM

    I've found my people.


    "Hello. My name is Enigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hello. ..." "Stop saying that!!!"

  14. How old do you consider someone a grownup? ffs

  15. She and Cary Elwes had great chemistry. If this is true, I guess it wasn't all acting.

  16. Honeybunny1:15 AM

    Lol! That was, IS my favorite line!

  17. Diana7:10 AM

    Adore this movie and who wouldn't jump Cary back in the day? He was gorgeous.

  18. Cindy2:34 AM

    Same here.
