Thursday, February 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 6, 2015

In the past, this B list comedienne/part-time actress/reality star had no trouble finding television gigs. She got to pick and choose. Now though, no one wants to hire her for anything because the people she came into contact with on her last job have spread the word like wildfire how awful she is to work with.

Kathy Griffin


  1. Kno Won Uno2:34 AM

    ...and look at

  2. sandybrook2:37 AM

    If they didn't already know they are idiots.

  3. AndrewBW3:06 AM

    I feel sorry for Anderson Cooper.

  4. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:35 AM

    Because, if there's anybody you should trust about who's unpleasant to deal with, it's Kelly Osborne.

  5. Malibuborebee3:45 AM

    As if Ghouliana, Kelly and Nepotisma Rivers are any better or more pleasant to work with than Kathy Griffin. That show was always a gaggle of bitches, that's the whole point of it. Joan was the one who kept them in line. Without her the show's a mess. I actually like Kathy but she was never going to fill Joan's shoes. It was an awful idea.

  6. Something Fishy4:40 AM

    So over Griffin. Talk about having an entire career discussing reality television and glomming off of the gay community. We are on to you, Kathleen.

    Glad Cho is on Fashion Police, but the rest can go - I mean, really? NeNe??? Ugh.

    I miss Joan Rivers so g-d much.

  7. Cinabun5:21 AM

    + infinity

  8. Cinabun5:26 AM

    Personally never found it entertaining. Being mean just to be mean is just mean. There's enough of it as it is. Don't care if it's Joan or Kelly or Kathy. You can critique w/o being a bullying bitch.

  9. Patrick5:47 AM

    I doubt anyone cares what the other on-air talent had to say. But the behind the scenes crew? If one or 2 people say something, it can be dismissed. If all the camera guys, and lighting guys, and sound guys, and teamsters, and everybody says it? She was always difficult to work for and with. But she brought in enough viewers to offset that. Now she doesn't.

  10. Patrick5:50 AM

    I don't. He puts up with for 5ish hours once a year. And uses that to drive up what I am sure is a huge salary. During and after which event everyone talks about what a nightmare KG is. She doesn't realize that everyone is laughing at her, not with her. And I don't mean laughing at her jokes. They are laughing about what a sad, desperate, joke she has become. AC is basically doing the rope a dope, and letting her have just enough rope to hang herself. His constant looks to the camera are to make sure that the audience is in on the joke. And KG is the joke.

  11. Patrick5:54 AM

    If we are being honest, the show had really deteriorated prior to Joan's death. The specials after big events were still good, but the weekly show was just too much. They covered the same people, and it almost became an extended ad for E's reality shows. Instead of focusing on up and coming actors/actresses and comics, they went after low hanging fruit. It would have been far more entertaining to cover Alexandra Daddario, just as one of many examples, than to spend 10 minutes on what those Reality Trash Family Who Must Not Be Named wore that week (and every week). Or Amy Schumer, who'd have given her left teet to work with Joan. Also, Joan was slipping a little, and starting to reference people who hadn't been relevant in decades. Weekly was just too much. Still is. Joan barely kept it afloat, and without her, its just unbearable.

  12. +1 million

  13. Laura Palmer7:09 AM

    Ghouliana..haha...they are all a mess...I knew her husband back in the way back machine...he was a bartender , and guess what's? His girlfriend back then was so anorexic she was passing out all over the place..

    Hope I don't get bad karma for spilling a little tea...but Maybe they could hire some fashion police who actually can dress themselves....

  14. Laura Palmer7:15 AM

    I remember watching my beloved Larry King who I miss every night of the week....he was interviewing Kathy ...I just remember thinking, this chick is disgusting and doesn't have a nice bone in her body..must be because she was a total DOG, back when she was on Suddenly Susan..

    Bow wow...funny but, holy crap ...fug.

  15. texasrose7:24 AM

    This doesn't make sense. If she was working all the time before the fashion police disaster and had a reputation as being hard to work with wouldn't the word have already been out and she wouldn't have had "no trouble finding television gigs. She got to pick and choose."???

  16. Wilson10:15 AM

    I thought the same thing; maybe she just got much worse once she got on Fashion Police?

  17. Laura Palmer1:03 PM

    No, I think she has a side that will just flat out cut a Bitch and now she's a diva times 10.. She knows who and how to suck it up to, but underneath...puppy kicker.

  18. Guessing10:12 PM

    I agree. I also thought it was a mistake to make it an hour long show. They dragged out each segment for way too long. (I feel this way about Project Runway, also...90 minutes is too much. Now, I pretty much FF through the show and just watch from the runway on)

  19. She's about as entertaining as a rusty hubcap.
