Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 10, 2015

This foreign born permanent A list model is married but it was not her husband she had sex with in a limo the other night before passing out from too much booze and drugs. Apparently the guy she hooked up with went home, but the limo driver stayed with her until she woke up the next morning.

Kate Moss


  1. NoseyNeighbor1:04 AM

    That was nice of him. I guess it pays to be rich, famous and pretty.

  2. One question: Who paid for the Limo?

  3. Sylvie1:42 AM

    Is it a coincidence that the ad above this blind item is a swamp boat tour!? Kate Moss and her ilk all came from there and, hopefully, one day shall return. It's Oscars night and this is the best you can do?

  4. Unemployable1:58 AM

    This may be a terrible thing to say about a living human being but... Pete Doherty deserves better.

  5. I have an Indian lunch buffet

  6. BigBlue2:05 AM


  7. another wonderful example of perfect model description

  8. Penelope 22:33 AM

    You can't really judge much when drugs are involved, it affects what they do, and she's been high since she was 12 (they enjoy keeping these models drugged to make it easy to get them into bed). But at this point, she isn't the trophy anymore, and her husband is screwing around, so I feel bad that this dude used her while she was probably unaware of what was going on and then just left her in a car.

  9. Hot Cola4:14 AM


  10. Cinabun4:18 AM

    She keeps choosing to use & ppl just keep patting her head. She was drinking & using waaaay before she got famous. If she was actually accountable things might change but in lala land as long as someone can make $s from her, it will likely continue until she dies.
    And yeah, that sucks.

  11. Kno Won Uno4:23 AM

    The ad I see is for used handicap vans, which is weird since I'm ambulatory and don't drive anyone around who might need one.

  12. And-so-on..5:43 AM

    Heres the real story. WTH being a good mom, being a steady part of her daughter's life..? Just send her out in the crazy world to do the same as Mom has.... she married to have another child, enjoy a steady family life with him.. and kept using and abusing drugs and alcohol so her husband told her go to rehab or he's outta here.. she did her time in some posh rehab spot.. and on release immediately went on a mini vacation away from home got drunk and enjoyed her drugs.. several times.. rinse repeat.. and wanted sympathy because she is ill, addicted and he should just let her be KATE MOSS supermodel, party girl. He said, so that's it.. and you chose this over me, your daughter and out child.. so our marriage is over.. we are not going to have children.. You aren't fit to raise children .. She was shocked, jumped off the deep end of oh you let me down you jerk.. I hate you and decided she doesn't care who knows she's an addict anymore.. party same old same old.keep it up until I pass out...

  13. Guesser5:54 AM

    I get ads for Bowie photos costing thousands and 12,000 dollar Birkin bags. Too bad I'm poor.

  14. Kibble6:13 AM

    Mine are for sexy frilly lingerie, I've no idea why ...

  15. no more!6:35 AM

    but after a certain point and life, it should just not be cool and fun to party and drug. why is she still behaving like this unless she is a full blown addict? kate, its not cool anymore! heroin chic is no longer in!!

  16. no more!6:36 AM

    shes too old for that nonsense....even if she was young...still...aint cool

  17. Scallywag6:45 AM

    You must have been researching swamp boat tours. This site uses stalker-type advertising models from participating sites you have recently visited.

  18. Sylvie11:05 AM

    The only thing I have been researching on line is anything and everything related to Tom Hardy. Hardly qualifies as a swam tour. Although recently, he was photographed in a swamp naked from the waist down. How can I book a tour of that?!!!

  19. Lavert9:51 PM

    I get toenail fungus cures ... now I'm embarrassed and/or insulted.

  20. Lavert9:52 PM

    I swear I have not been researching toenail fungus cures.
