Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 14, 2015

Last week this A- list mostly movie actor was telling his co-star/girlfriend they should get married. This week he is hooking up with the actress he beats up and the co-star says she has lots of secrets to spill.

Shia LaBeouf/Sasha Lane/Mia Goth


  1. Cupcakes4all1:07 AM

    He is still A list?? where at??


    he's sweaty and a druggie/alcoholic guy that is horrible to the women in his life.
    I was splitting my brain to think of his last hit movie.

  2. Cinabun4:10 AM

    He is in need of serious mental help. The stories about his Mom are really f##ked up. Truly.

  3. Enty continues to describe Shia as A list, despite enormous evidence to the contrary over almost the last decade...

  4. Snarknado8:11 AM

    Fury, with Brad Pitt, who said Shia was the best actor he'd ever worked with.

    Agree with your description!

  5. anna from savannah8:53 AM

    During the filming of that hilbilly mivie he made with Tom Hardy, he sucker punched Hardy for no reason and knocked him out! Hardy said, after the broo-ha-ha was over, "Shia is a bad, bad boy!" No, Tom, Shia is a sick, sick boy who is going to murder someone some day soon.

  6. Hot Cola9:16 AM

    In a gas station dirty bathroom. That's where.

  7. Hot Cola9:17 AM

    Do share

  8. Lisa G11:33 AM

    This POS needs to get out to pasture and stop with the facade of being an artist. He's a dick and not even a talented one.
    Why River Phoenix and not this hemmorage on society?

  9. Unemployable11:55 AM

    Patience, Lisa. All good things to those who wait.

  10. back again4:06 PM

    i gotta tell ya,Shia was damn good in that film.He really was.

  11. back again4:13 PM

    wasn't the rumor that they sleep in the same bed sometimes or something..i know they're close and they're codependant but they've also always just relied on each other all their lives so who knows what goes on there... sounds like rumors gone wild.

  12. back again4:21 PM

    that being said,everyone enables him & there are never consequences really for his bad,sometimes criminal behavior.he clearly hasn't hit his bottom yet to really need any wake up call.

  13. Cindy2:46 AM

    Man how I loved him on Even Stevens back in his Disney days! I can't help but wonder what the heck happened

  14. Snarknado8:55 AM

    +100 Shia was sooooo good!
