Friday, February 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 13, 2015

This foreign born former A- list singer in a group now makes her money reality judging in her country after an epic fail here. She also seems to get married frequently. Oh, and lose lots of weight. At a dinner a few weeks ago, she did the whole order a bunch of plates thing but try to stick to drinking wine. When she went to the bathroom she brushed her hair and literally a huge clump came with the brush and it was not an extension or anything like that.

Cheryl Fernandez Versini (Cole) (Tweedy)


  1. She's been married twice Enty. That's practically virginal by Hollywood standards.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:11 AM

    Maybe she used that Wen crap or had a bad weave- insinuating that her weight loss & odd (by your standards) eating habits are causing her hair to fall out is a bit of a stretch.
    If she's been married fewer than 5 times, it's not particularly notable.

  3. Al B Happy2:19 AM

    I don't get this chick. She is gorgeous, but bat poop crazy. Look at the tattoo on her back. She's self destructive. She barely knew the guy she married, they don't speak the same language and are having difficulty and her nutritionist is Giuliana Rancic.

    The commenters in the Daily Mail, kill her on a regular basis

  4. AyyyPapi4:33 AM

    The closeted lifestyle must be too much for her.

  5. Yes, the commenters in the DM ... a veritable congress of Mensa members.

  6. Cinabun5:06 PM

    I bet if Cheryl's name was Chuck Entry would say she's gay b/c she's only been married twice.
    Hope she gets her poop in a group (self help could help).

  7. longtimereader12:38 AM

    The first was a closeted footballer and the last a desperate attempt to stop herself being outed. Apparently still dating her ex - band member. Pals with fellow narnia dweller Cowell.

  8. marlo5:17 AM

    that guy she barely knew, whom she married was her drug dealer
    the reason I know this is because he supplied drugs to somebody I know in Paris

    she's all sorts of messed up, not likeable at all, stupid, uneducated and has a violent streak (she once assaulted a black bathroom lady at the state of her fame and called her racial slurs)
