Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 13, 2015

Throw out a story that makes people want to go aww and they choose it over the truth. This former tweener turned bad actress and as yet to be seen singer has a drug problem, no matter what she says or which tabloids pull out their kneepads.

Selena Gomez


  1. Cupcakes4all1:10 AM

    I can beileve it

  2. nameless2:19 AM

    the lyrics on that song she has thats popular right now, "Hands to Myself"

    in my head, the lyrics are about faking a sickness to cover up a drug addiction.

  3. Cinabun4:12 AM

    Time will tell. Addiction has a way of rearing it's ugly head, no matter what one does to try to hide it.

  4. Stephie10:35 AM

    She's all over the place. Unfortunate. Obviously she's using to block the pain. She's def the sensitive type.

  5. "Yet to be seen" singer? Ha.

  6. Addiction is a disease and addicts need help, which is hard to accept while having a daily habit. Withdrawal is awful and she would need supervision and replacement treatment. Even if she's (maybe, idk) concerned about her young fans' reaction, someone who cares must intervene and HELP her, not hurt her.
