Thursday, February 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 2, 2015

If this A+ list mostly movie actor finds out his model girlfriend hooked up with a musician from a former A list band whose members have dated countless celebrities than the girlfriend is going to be shown the door really quickly. Our actor never likes to be shown up. He does the dumping, not the other way around.

Leonardo DiCaprio/Kelly Rohrbach/Julian Casablancas (and Leo did dump her when he found out)


  1. Kno Won Uno1:05 AM

    "Than" is incorrect here. It should be "then".

  2. Cindy1:06 AM

    Then, not than. Sorry couldn't help myself.

  3. d brown1:11 AM

    Wasn't Kelly also the blind about the model looking to hookup with guys while complaining that she never had sex with her A+ list actor boyfriend.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:17 AM

    Word. It further muddies and already confusing style of writing.

  5. H.G. Tells1:19 AM

    Julian Casablancas? I don't believe that...

  6. TopperMadison1:21 AM

    The Strokes were an A list band??

  7. sandybrook1:28 AM

    Are you absolutely sure HE dumped HER Entward? It seems she hit the road just about the same time she got the job in the Baywatch movie. She used him and his contract money to make a name for herself and as soon as she got it, she left to find a more normal relationship.

  8. And-so-on..1:31 AM

    What strict and laughable moral standards have any of his dumped chicks violated again..? As when they are chosen and given the contract to read and sign, paid, with publicity and perks ..they are not required to be virgins, he's not the first or the last, ever.. and he constantly cheats and is on the prowl for the next usable escort, isn't too picky if he has to recycle some again so... FAR!?

  9. muchlu1:51 AM

    I would consider them A list, they were the hottest thing in the beginning of the 2000's. His father was the owner/ founder of Elite Models, so he must know a lot of ppl in the modelling world and he is cute too!

  10. longtimereader2:24 AM

    During the early 00's ? you betcha, hipster band du jour.

  11. The Strokes are B- at best.

  12. First off - The Strokes/Voidz/Julian Casablancas don't want to be A list and deliberately eschew that sort of thing. JC's twitter bio is "nothing mainstream is relevant". With their respective upper east side pedigrees, if they wanted to still be A list, they would be. Second, I agree with Sandybrook (though this blind was written prospectively) KR seems to have been LD's cleverest beard yet.

  13. Unemployable4:59 AM

    Ha Ha Ha! Julian Casablancas weenied Leo's beard. Awesome! Best thing I've read here all week.

  14. Molly6:12 AM

    Enty and his weird ass relationship with Leo.

  15. Laura Palmer7:23 AM

    Stop faggotizing every attractive male actor.

  16. vodianova12:02 PM

    He needs to stop fooling around and just marry Kate Winslet already. There's no doubt that she brings out the best in him. He looks like a teddy bear when he's with her. When he's not with her, he gives off a slightly gross, desperate womanizing vibe.

  17. peopleselbow12:48 PM

    THIS !!

    B list
