Friday, February 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 17, 2015

She (A list mostly television actress) calls it having a new boyfriend. This foreign born B list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show does not quite see it the same way. He says that she wants them to move in together after going out twice. That is not going to happen. In his last big television break he rotated through four or five of his co-stars. There will be no moving in.

Kaley Cuoco/Paul Blackthorne


  1. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    She's an idiot

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope1:02 AM

    in other news, the judge ruled Kesha is bound by her contract to Dr. Luke. She can't get out of her contract. Wow.

  3. Derek Harvey1:09 AM

    So, she is obligated to work for her rapist/abuser like a slave?

  4. Khaleesi1:10 AM

    Yeah the hashtag #FreeKesha is trending

  5. one big Rick1:15 AM

    Yo derek the phagg what about u man? How many kid's buttholes have you raped today

  6. Ms. Anne Thrope1:19 AM

    the judge ruled against her, saying she is bound to her contract with Dr. Luke/Sony, but that she doesn't have to be in the room with Dr. Luke. Riiiiiight.

  7. Ms. Anne Thrope1:21 AM

    And for the record, I absolutely LOATHE Dr. Luke. He is such a hack. I was hoping Kesha would bury him.

    This is why it's so important to hire a good attorney to review contracts you are entering into to protect your rights. Especially in the smarmy record industry. Her mother was in the business, you'd think she would've had better sense to make sure her daughter was protected.

  8. The fact that the judge said she doesn't have to be in the same room as that prick means the judge believes that she was indeed abused. Damn. Girl cant catch a break. Im pretty sure she'll get treated worse because of this ordeal. I fucking hate Sony and that SOB

  9. sandybrook1:25 AM

    she doesn't have to be produced by Dr. Luke but she has to work for Sony. She thinks Sony will screw her if she doesn't work with Dr. Luke.

  10. Poor Kesha

  11. And-so-on..1:33 AM

    Find the needy type.. keep them drunk and amused., and in hope that you introduce them to someone influential and richer than you.. no unhappy endings..

  12. Megley1:37 AM

    I know women like Cuckoo. You can smell the desperation for miles around them. So pathetic.

  13. Ms. Anne Thrope1:39 AM

    Sony WILL screw her. It even screwed over Michael Jackson and countless others. It is the worst of the worst.

  14. PoniTayl1:46 AM

    Wow, that was so inappropriate dude.

  15. Snarknado1:48 AM

    ObP, are you offering?

  16. I thought she was smarter than that.
    This explains the quick wedding to the tennis guy and eventual divorce.

  17. Cinabun3:29 AM

    + infinty
    Serious sociopathic tendencies...inappropriate attention seeking seems to be their *thing.* Sad that someone is so empty inside that they choose to spew their shit on anyone & everyone.

  18. Cinabun3:30 AM

    + infinty

  19. Cinabun3:45 AM

    She was obviously had no support.
    Very sad.
    I hope she makes more music, wins a ton of awards & he rots.
    Sony sucks- let DL get away with it & make $s off it to boot.
    Just disgusting.

  20. Malibuborebee4:16 AM

    I've decided it's Lindsay and/or Dina Lohan on an extended meth binge.

  21. Cinabun5:19 AM

    *mwah* thanks needed the laugh..

  22. sydguy7:05 AM

    I'm curious, why is everybody talking about Kesha when this reveal is about Kaley? Where is a mod when you need him?

  23. Malibuborebee8:27 AM

    This is more of a freewheeling site, @syd. There isn't really a "mod" and we talk about whomever, whatever, whenever. It may not have the structure you're looking for but it can be interesting.

  24. Could you just find somewhere else to troll? Seriously, @Rick, fuck off.

  25. squints1:50 PM

    What the hell is wrong with you?

  26. Yeah!??! I know!??!
