Monday, February 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 5, 2015

This former A list tweener who has struggled since possibly reaching puberty is spending so much time using drugs that he is losing days at a time. He only ventures outside every few days and it is costing him a lot of money because he keeps bailing on paying gigs.

Justin Bieber


  1. Too much fame and money way too young. And his parental units are way too immature to offer any type of guidance.

  2. AyyyPapi1:06 AM

    Surrounded by 'yes' people + a victim mentality = Endless tabloid filler.

    The guy has what I call Chris Brown syndrome. Life will deliver him a repeated kicking.

  3. The latest issue of The New Yorker has a piece about Harvey Levin and TMZ. The Bieber n-word video has an interesting back story. Any gossip enthusiast should read this article

  4. Muchlu1:31 AM

    Am I the only one that thinks that he is going to have a Britney like meltdown in a few years?

  5. He'll more likely just disappear like Leif Garrett and a thousand other former teen baby-faced singers. And I feel bad for his future self, who you just know won't believe that he blew off $50K or $100K or $500K gigs left and right when he's been living on less than that.

  6. Cinabun2:55 AM

    + infinity
    I feel sad for the little sh#t

  7. Cinabun3:11 AM

    My guess is he either OD's or goes into rehab. Within the next 10 years. Addicts with money last longer for obvious reasons. He also should hire a good money manager.

  8. Gookie3:48 AM

    He seemed to have gotten things on track. His latest songs have been playing non-stop on the radio. Not a fan but he doesn't seem to be in Leif Garret territory.


  9. Anna Carroll3:58 AM

    Ten years? More like ten months!

  10. SweetBabbyJeebus4:08 AM

    I grew up in Stratford and went to the same church as Beeb's mum.

    You can take the parents out of The Meth Capital of Canada, but you can't take the Meth Capital of Canada out of the parents.

    That kid never stood a chance of being anything other than what he is.

  11. texasrose4:26 AM

    This little twink is going to end up a sad has been. His advisors and posse will bleed him dry (not hard given what a moron he is) and his story will not end well. It may take 10 or 20 years for him to go through all that cash though.

  12. Sylvia6:10 AM

    Probably less than 10 years.

  13. Studio549:43 AM

    Queue up The Who's "Too much of everything" song....

  14. back again1:43 AM

    Thanks @ OB
