Friday, February 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 11, 2015

Fashion Week

This OITNB actress was at nighttime party and hooked up with a guy. Apparently they couldn’t wait to get a room or even a limo. They were both sloppy drunk and pawing each other and didn’t seem to care that everyone was watching. This was a good 30 minutes long.

Natasha Lyonne


  1. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)12:19 AM

    A single, semi-famous actress gets drunk and makes out with a guy? Shocking.

    I live in small town, and wilder shit than that goes down at the bar where the 40+ crowd likes to frequent.

  2. Kno Won Uno12:22 AM

    Plussety Plus Plus Plus.

  3. June Gordon12:26 AM

    She need to stick to smoking medicine an lay off the booze!

    Nobody like a sloppy addict!!!!

  4. sandybrook12:44 AM

    Dont famous people canoodle in public all the time? Hell I canoodled in public .

  5. Okay, more questions than answers:
    Did they have intercourse that lasted 30 minutes long?
    Or, was it just groping and kissing that lasted 30 minutes long?
    So, who was the guy? Famous? Not famous? A Want to be famous want to be actor?
