Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #9

This foreign born former A list boy bander got into an argument with his celebrity girlfriend the other night at a restaurant. Apparently the bathroom was not private enough for him to get a fix so he made her leave fifteen minutes after arriving.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Zain /Gigi

  2. Tricia132:47 AM

    Zayn has had this said how many times- he's still alive, Enty:)

  3. sandybrook2:47 AM

    He's always getting fixed up and she doesn't?

  4. Tricia132:53 AM

    Course not..Yolanda wouldn't be a"proud mama bear" :(

  5. Kno Won Uno2:53 AM

    What, were there no hallways or booths and he didn't arrive in a car with doors and a roof? Most junkies can work around literally anything that stands between them & their beloved drug. Therefore, BS.

  6. Kno Won Uno2:55 AM

    I thought PMK trademarked Proud Mama and the Palin is the mama bear.
    I have a tough time keeping up with batshit women, though.

  7. Tricia133:03 AM

    That could be so...Yolanda must have heard her say it and as she tries to emulate PMK- said it once or twice. They'll have a reality show in 5-4-3-- trust.

  8. Megan3:52 AM

    Is this supposed to explain away an obvious pap walk? They were only there for 15 minutes because he's a junkie, not because they were only there to be photographed? Zigi.

  9. Bella and the Wkend strutted out of Craig's a couple of weeks ago. Said they weren't happy with the table.

  10. Catnip5237:30 AM

    Maybe Gigi should try and help her fake boyfriend get some help.

  11. Laura Palmer11:06 AM

    Junk=misery how can this girl be so dumb...?

  12. marlo6:12 PM

    Isn't Yolanda such a nice mother? Forcing her impressionable, already wealthy young daughter into a fake relationship with a heroin junkie. Greedy viper.
