Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #8

This actor might have the thinnest skin in Hollywood. Along with all of his other quirks that have been documented here, this A-/B+list mostly television actor who is on a crap network show right now will trash you if you say anything bad about his projects. The actor has Twitter under his own name and others and apparently has hours each day to troll anyone who says anything negative.


  1. Derek Harvey12:45 AM

    rob lowe

  2. Derek Harvey12:48 AM

  3. And-so-on..1:04 AM

    How do they know what their viewers like or dislike if they refuse to read and respond.. ? Can't say they didn't watch or care.. stupid.

  4. Groaning1:05 AM

    Fred Armisen? Except he's on cable.

  5. French girl1:15 AM

    OT: The writing of this article is enough had

  6. Derek Harvey1:16 AM

    it is MTV maybe Snooki or a Teen Mom wrote it haha : )

  7. Janet1:50 AM

    Is Will Arnett on network now? Enty hates him, and I could see this being him.

  8. robynsing1:57 AM

    Rob Lowe's show Grinder get's great reviews so not sure if it is him

  9. robynsing2:00 AM

    I bet Will Arnett is right. Enty says he's a bit of a teen chaser (quirks)

  10. robynsing2:03 AM

    Todd Margaret IFC

  11. Snarknado2:05 AM

    +1 It's a good show!

  12. Snarknado2:08 AM

    Not network. But Will was on The Millers (network) in 2015. Close enough for it to be him.

  13. Snarknado2:11 AM

    Two of Will Arnett's upcoming projects are Lego Batman, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Prepare for a dubbing on twitter, Will!

  14. Tricia132:52 AM

    Good guesss@Janet. I thought of him straight away but he's not technically on a network at moment like suggested? Though for sure he has his quirks.....I'm still thinking on this-- maybe Matt Perry/the Odd Couple and recent project criticism is his west end play which has gotten less than stellar reviews/ word of mouth.

  15. kpist3:35 AM

    The Grinder is hilarious. He also has another show starting. I would think it would say two shows if it was him. I like the Will Arnett guess

  16. Soapy4:03 AM

    Is that a crap show? Or a show on a crap network? The Grinder is hilarious. Lowe & Savage are a terrific pair.

  17. Bambibuubzitch7:21 AM

    Anthony Anderson, Blackish.

  18. Rob Lowe is on You, Me & the Apocalypse, I've been trying to watch it but it kinda sucks, so that's probably the crap show he is talking about.
