Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blind Item #7

This fading B-/C+ list model should be celebrating her marriage to this mogul. She is, but knows she will have to put up with all of his cheating because the prenup barely pays anything if they get divorced.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Jerry hall/murdoch

  2. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    Liberty Ross

  3. Suzanne12:31 AM

    Jerry Hall

  4. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    Liberty Ross ties the knot with Jimmy Iovine on the beach in Malibu
    Daily Mail-Feb 15, 2016
    ... flocked to the romantic Valentine's Day wedding between the British model ... wasn't bothered about getting her feet wet in the shallow wate

  5. Derek Harvey12:32 AM

    Jerry Hall is not a "fading" model
    One has to still model to be considered "fading"
    she is an icon

  6. muchlu12:52 AM

    Liberty + Iovine

  7. muchlu12:56 AM

    I can understand her happiness, it seems like a good deal, she can enjoy his billion dollars and let other fame hungry wannabes do the action, eeeeck....

  8. d brown12:58 AM

    If it is Rupert Murdock he is 84 years old. A little old for cheating (in a sexual sense).

  9. Cinabun1:05 AM

    & Jimmy Iovine

  10. Guessing1:12 AM

    Interesting footnote to Jimmy - his ex is the writer of Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy books. I don't think the ex (Vicky Ivione) is a writer for the Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce, though. They just licensed the title or something. Not sure.

  11. This sounds like Liberty Ross -- however she, I believe the phrase is, made out like a bandit on her divorce. So either this is not the full picture of why she's in this relationship and why she'd be willing to put up with cheating (see Cheryl Hines) or she's got a serious spending problem.

    Hall and Murdoch theoretically fit too, but he strikes me as a little old for Jerry to be worried about him running around on her.

  12. Studio541:39 AM

    Jerry Hall, who is set to marry the devil on 3/5/16.

  13. nancer2:09 AM

    i don't think it's hall/murdoch. he's 85 years old. she doesn't need to worry about getting divorced-----she doesn't even have to be all that patient. shit, just smile, enjoy the life, and wait a few years.

    iovine/ross sounds right. he's had a LOT of very notable women in his life.

  14. Guessing2:09 AM

    I would think she'd be ecstatic if he outsourced his sexual needs. I mean, who wants to sleep with Rupert Murdoch?

  15. Agreed. Def Liberty Ross. I think the blind is written so people think of both Hall & Ross but there's no way Jerry Hall is ranked that low (not even with Enty's whackadoo rankings). Plus I'd be shocked if Hall signed a prenup where she doesn't get paid well. Not her first rodeo.

  16. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)2:41 AM

    I remember that book. She said her psychiatrist was the one who diagnosed her first pregnancy after she told him about throwing an ashtray at her husband's head.

  17. hothotheat3:40 AM

    Or she could kill him and make it look like a suicide thereby inheriting every dime of his vast fortune and all future royalties.

  18. What, no cheating clause?

  19. Well she has a crappy lawyer. I guess that's love for ya.

  20. For all you kids out there, Jerry Hall is a permanent A list super model. She was everywhere in the late 70's right through the 80's. She's never been, and never will be, B or C list.
