Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list singer in his back in the day group and solo is married. Usually I would say when he cheats like he did last week that he is probably in an open marriage. He told the woman last week though that she needed to be discreet and not tell anyone. Hmm.


  1. Derek Harvey11:45 PM

    lionel richie

  2. Snookiemonster11:45 PM


  3. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    not married

  4. Derek Harvey11:47 PM

    don henley

  5. Derek Harvey11:47 PM

    I thought Sting but it would usually say foreign born

  6. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Bruce Springsteen/The E Street band.

  7. Justin Timberlake?

  8. MontanaMarriott11:51 PM

    Gene Simmons?

  9. MontanaMarriott11:52 PM

    Nvmd, foreign born and no solo career.

    Jon Bon Jovi?

  10. Derek Harvey11:52 PM

    The E Street band is not "back in the day" and they still tour BEHIND him...

    Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band Announce 2016 ...
    Dec 4, 2015 - Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band launch The River Tour 2016, a nine-week US trek, on Jan. 16 in Pittsburgh. The announcement of the ...

  11. Gene just watches any more. Heard he pays for Shannon to get serviced.

  12. +1 they still tour but they are from "forever a go" A list solo and he is a big cheat as we know- maybe discretion needed because his wifey is on tour with them?

  13. Derek Harvey11:56 PM

    That is his BACK-UP band they still tour

  14. Tricia1311:58 PM

    Yes--- they do , everyone I know just saw him gig!!
    I like Dave Grohl for this too-Nirvana and then went solo, but so,I became the amazing Foo Fighters which I would hope Enty would know mention:) But he fits all else.

  15. Kno Won Uno11:58 PM

    Did we just have this item within the past few days?

  16. Tricia1311:59 PM

    @Gia she is always closely for sure....

  17. Here we go again. Comments are appearing and disappearing again.

  18. Cinabun12:16 AM

    Bon Jovi?

  19. Maggita12:38 AM

    I agree. *N Sync may not seem that long ago but they were together 1995–2002. Makes me feel old but 1995 was 20 years ago. Not to mention Justin broke up with Jessica Biel just so he could sleep with as many women as possible, before they got back together and got married.

  20. Tricia1312:42 AM

    JT is a great guess- discreet now because of baby/child.

  21. back again1:00 AM

    Ugh...why is Justin Timberlake considered Permanent A?

  22. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    He's Not

  23. Cindy1:09 AM

    But aren't they in some kind of bearding marriage? So why would he need to break up with her to sleep with other women? She'd probably join them!

  24. longtimereader2:27 AM

    With a woman?

  25. Zilla12:31 AM

    I thought it was fairly well known that Sting and his wife are huge swingers.

    Anyone remember that story from a few years ago about Springsteen and a supposed affair? It was actually front page news. He and his wife put up a united front to shoot it down.

  26. Snarknado3:26 AM

    That would be how many blinds? Forty, fifty, a hundred?

  27. back again3:49 AM

    Yup...Bruce was named as 'The Other Man' in Arthur & Anne Kelly's Divorce awhile back. It was frontpage of the NY Post for a long time til the couple settled(i don't think Bruce wanted to be subpoena'd about his gymtime trysts if i remember correctly).
    -And yeah,Sting & Trudie always boasted about the wonders of tantric sex & the Kama Sutra -i don't remember multi-tantric sex partners being bragged about though but it wouldn't surprise anyone.

  28. +2 just read what back again wrote way below so he makes the most sense- good one.

  29. back again4:07 AM

    meaning i assume Sting & Trudie swing/swang/swung but i didn't know they talked about it.

  30. Tricia13TakeURKid2WorkNite4:21 AM

    WOW!! Everyone you know just saw him gig!!?? REALLY!!?? What do you only know 2-3 people? If you actually had a life offline you'd know more than the 2-3 that went to a Springsteen gig.

  31. Malibuborebee5:06 AM

    Sting and Trudie "swing" but they usually have their own partners these days, rather than doing threesomes. Trudie prefers to dine at the Y and is known to be fairly aggressive in going after women.

  32. Malibuborebee5:20 AM

    Not a bad guess, @Derek, but I don't think it's him/them. He's always been a cheater but their marriage has never been open. Don's discreet about his bits on the side. Sharon spends a lot of time in Texas with the kids which gives him room to do his thing.

  33. Derek Harvey5:30 AM

    Thanks! I guess they all cheat though...

  34. Derek's Anal Beads6:48 AM


  35. Frank6:50 AM

    Springsteen and Patti Scialfa.
    It's known where they live how they are or he is. I mean they got together when he was still with his first wife .

  36. Turimukitu7:17 AM

    I agree with the Jon Bon Jovi guess. Funny how his marriage is never in the tabloids, unlike a lot of others.

  37. Lisa G11:03 AM

    I believe this could be either Bruce r JBJ- neither are saints and both perm A

  38. Claire8:00 AM

    Permanent A? No freakin' way.
