Monday, February 22, 2016

Blind Item #5

It was not like they were friends anyway, but when this A- list mostly movie actress had sex with this married A-/B+ list actor/writer who has a movie and a pay cable show the wife of the actor threatened to hurt the actress when they saw each other again.


  1. Tricia 1311:46 PM

    Justin Theroux/aninston

  2. Tricia 1311:46 PM

    And Amanda Seyfried?

  3. Tricia 1311:50 PM

    Or Theroux/Kristiin Wiig(zoolanderr costars)

  4. Kno Won Uno11:54 PM

    Not the actor, just the other woman. That's mature. /s

  5. lila fowler11:57 PM

    When it comes to an actress who is clinging to A list by a thread and sleeping with everyone's husband or boyfriend, Seyfried is the most logical guess.

  6. Kno Won Uno11:59 PM

    Her comparative youth undoubtedly doubled Aniston's rage. There's a 17 year difference.

  7. desk hack12:03 AM

    Good guesses. Seconded.

  8. Tricia 1312:09 AM

    True @ Lila :( she is on a roll with it seems!

  9. nameless1:36 AM

    I dont buy amanda seyfried as A list anymore

  10. Whywhywhy???2:42 AM

    IF Aniston, maybe that's just left over rage cause she couldn't take on gangster St. Angela. Scrawny arms looks like she likes a good fight, and fights to win.

  11. Malibuborebeee3:23 AM

    I can see Seyfried and Theroux hooking up but I can't see Aniston threatening to hurt anyone over it. Not that she's too nice for it, more like she's too apathetic.

  12. HH3143:23 AM

    She's got friends who support her, and scrawny Angie Jo had no one
    Seyfried better watch her back

  13. naturally4:39 AM


    another scorned woman a la Aniston, is that you????

  14. but the wife is not referred to as an actress??.....

  15. While I have no problem believing this is Seyfried and Theroux, I do have trouble believing Jen would care. Aniston and Theroux essentially live separate lives, she in LA, he in NYC. They are apart for weeks or even months at a time, getting together when a public appearance is required, ala Zoolander II, or an awards show. I think they're basically friends who married so he could climb the fame ladder, and she could get people to stop referring to her as "poor Jen who can't keep a man."

  16. Mandy9:33 AM

    Totally Jen A "not like they were "friends" is the clue. And I think she would care ALOT. Seyfried is a strange girl- seems like a chameleon or the character in that movie she was so good in? Chloe.

  17. Frabber9:59 AM

    "It was not like they were friends anyway..."

    The key is 'Friends' as in her sitcom..? I figured its referring to wife/Aniston not being friends with the tramp/?? who is supossedly messing around with her new husband Justin/pay cable show & known writer?????

  18. guest1:54 PM

    I have no problem believing this is another blind sent in by Queen Bee Jolie, who is so jealous of Aniston she has been slandering her for 10 years only stopping when she was discovered. She posted on Just Jared as disqus member TLOL1365. She has also slandered Paltrow, Amal and any other actress or spouse who has a better life than she has now, work and a real partner. Someone matched the disqus account with the email she used to communicate with Sony execs and you can guess where that came from, right the Sony hack.

    Some good reading here:

  19. Zilla13:03 PM

    AJ by all accounts, has a lot better things to do. Plus, if Sony got hacked, doe it not make sense that some of the email addresses involved were also compromised? And she has assistants.

    So even if one were to buy into a theory that one anonymous onliner asserts as fact, there is no way to say that it was in fact Angelina that posted those things. People can spoof email accounts to send out spam email messages, and they do this all the time. They can also steal email addresses to set up online accounts. This has happened to me multiple times and I only found out about it when I got a "welcome to" message in my inbox from something I never signed up for.

  20. thebutlerdidit3:31 PM

    Well, my respect for Jen Aniston just quadrupled. Whip that Kristin Wiig ass, gurl. Lol

  21. marlo7:53 PM

    I don't like either of these 2 self obsessed mediocre talented bishes. But let me tell you 1 thing: having lots of friends is overrated.
    The ppl I know with most friends, are the ones who rarely have true friends, and feel the most lonely.
    I'd rather have a partner in crime, the father of my kids, my kids, than fucking Chelsea Handler and those other useless fake Hollywood bishes.
    BOTH Aniston and Jolie seem very lonely, but in different ways.

  22. I've read quite a bit of the discussions online about this disqus account and the full comment history of TLOL1365 on and I TOTALLY believe it's her for various reasons. The number is just too unique (it's her mum's age when she passed away, and Jolie's) not to be the same person. Plus that person typed ect instead of etc, spelling it the same way as AJ wrote it in her hacked emails to Amy Pascal (Sony). And what are the chances that such a poster just happens to hate Aniston, Goop, etc?

    But funnily enough, since I never bought in to the St Angie stuff and was never a fan - though I think she's better than a lot of celebs who don't do anything with their fame - the comment history of TLOL1365 doesn't make her unlikable. The poster sounds exactly like I thought AJ would talk in private. She's always come across as a complex character and like she's going to talk to the magazines about her dislike of Aniston, which she must have felt esp when Handler went around bashing her in public.

    So apropos to nothing, but just on her as a celeb, I'll give her points for her genuine volunteer work while noting she's a complicated character like everyone else, but X 1000 because she's born and bred in Hollyweird. This story will never go mainstream though because any blog/mag that suggests it will be at risk of libel.

  23. Celeb A A12:37 PM

    I believe thelookoflove1365 / tlol1365 is her. And being a lurker on Celebitchy, I've recently come to the conclusion that a regular Celebitchy Brangeloon "therealmaya" is likely AJ too. Obsessed with Jen Aniston, Justin Theroux, and to a lesser degree Gwyneth Paltrow. Pretty sure it's her. Uses the same tone and heaps praise on Angelina Jolie.
