Saturday, February 06, 2016

Blind Item #4

This A list filmmaker was hospitalized because he had bad reactions to the hormones he is taking for his transition.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    the matrix director

  2. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Lana Wachowski

  3. Simon1:50 AM

    Ha michael Moore

  4. Sadie1:53 AM

    Wachowski transitioned a looooong time ago. How about Todd Haynes?

  5. Michael Moore

  6. sandybrook1:54 AM

    Michael Moore is in hospital for sure....

  7. sandybrook1:56 AM

    and Enty's favorite accurate website Media Takeout has written Michael Moore is in the process of transitioning.

  8. Charlie1:56 AM

    Michael Moore

  9. French girl1:58 AM

    I read it also


  11. sandybrook1:59 AM

  12. French girl2:00 AM

    Just a question: is Moore really A list ? Even if I think it is about him,Moore is not Nolan or Fincher

  13. Michael Moore;

  14. ItsaBeautifulLife2:01 AM

    +1 Simon with Michael Moore guess.

    He's in the hospital in NYC.

  15. sandybrook2:11 AM

    as far as documentaries go--yes he is and people know his name so he's A list.

  16. nameless2:12 AM

    this is Michael Moore for sure.

    showed up to his premiere of where to invade next looking a bit different.

  17. weekenderbedford2:31 AM

    Transitioning - for the political right wing, this could be a way of discrediting him in the U.S. Would not work in western Europe. How Eastern Europe and USA begin to look the same.

  18. Zilla12:39 AM

    It's only going to "discredit" him to small minded people who already think going through the transgender process would discredit anyone, or to those who never liked MM anyway. Meaning, he isn't losing any ground he never had with those people anyhow.

  19. kevinn3:22 AM

    Scorsese or Tarantino.

  20. I'm not saying this story isn't true, but I don't really see any difference in his appearance at his movie premiere other than being a little older, a little fatter, and having slightly longer hair. If people are looking at his moobs as proof, I've seen bigger ones on hefty guys before!

  21. Derek Harvey3:53 AM

    Yikes ---he would make Caitlyn Jenner look like Elle Macpherson

  22. Derek Harvey3:58 AM

    If this is true and Michael Moore-Why do these older people wait SO LONG to transition and not do it earlier so they can enjoy "beauty" in their youth. I googled the pics of Moore with long hair and moobs etc---it AINT PRETTY

  23. Kno Won Uno4:07 AM

    Half the country hates him for being a 'Libtard', anyway.
    ~Libtard Too

  24. Tricia134:19 AM

    Absolutely@ Simon! Nice job.

  25. Elsa Lunghini4:22 AM

    @derek Harvey And you what's your excuse for your moobs ?

  26. Derek Harvey4:27 AM

    Everything is tight and right with me

  27. Simon4:46 AM

    Thanks Tricia! Get one every once in a while!

  28. Erin C4:47 AM

    Moore and he has been trying to do this out of the public eye for a long time. He's so into transparency and expressing himself though/exposing things; it's weird that he is not being public about this imo.

  29. Why not described as an Academy Award winner if Michael Moore?

  30. Guesser5:14 AM

    When he was on Megen Kelly's show his personality was much different. He was much more lighthearted than usual. I think he may be testing reactions.

  31. Moore! Yikes!

    I wanted to post something about him at DM several months back and it wouldn't go through. They were calling him out about speaking up for the poor and fracked over while being a one percenter. They showed his home which of course is splendid.

    I wanted to point out that most at the front page of DM are one percenters. So now I was able to say it. Feel better now.

  32. It just occurred to me that he may be doing a documentary about it. We'll see.

    Pneumonia. So many go into the hospital for it and never come out. I hope he's okay.

  33. Kibble5:30 AM


  34. sandybrook5:59 AM


  35. Also, he has a *LOT* of facial stubble. I think this blind is total BS if it's meant to be him.

  36. Just askin'7:53 AM

    @Derek Harvey
    What is with the cumplulsion to post first on every blind every single day? It's something you have professed to find "pathetic and sad" in others and yet you do it yourself so often at the expense of correct spelling and clarity , and resulting in multiple guesses, erroneous links and in this case-ridiculous results? LW began transitioning a decade ago or so....
    Not trying to be rude, but the idiocy and hypocrisy warranted the question, is all.

  37. Cherry7:56 AM

    Is he going to look as slobby as a woman as he does as a man?

  38. Derek Harvey8:34 AM

    If you read the reveals I am often right (more so than wrong) and I don't guess on half of them. And my links are always on point. Fool.

  39. anna from savannah8:34 AM

    Ah ha! Divorced his long term, long suffering wife. When I read about someone 'transitioning' I take some time to ponder why and for what? Bruce Jenner was always too pretty to be a guy. Especially when he first came on the sports scene boo koo years ago. Michael Moore?! Not in my wildest, wonkiest, X-rated dreams! Why doesn't he just come out and say he wants to sleep with guys? Why all the damn surgery!

  40. dildoderekface8:54 AM

    @derekharvey i promise no one cares if you are right or wrong on your desperate guesses. it's like donald trump saying something that's occasionally factual - doesn't change the fact that he's the world's biggest douchebag.

  41. Me Too9:05 AM

    Uh oh Just Askin'- seems you hit a nerve with that hypocrite. How dare you point out the truth.

    And he called you a fool. Don't you feel horrible??!?!?

  42. nope.com9:44 AM

    Nope.If you haven't guessed it means you were not here due to a post psychotic break and not posting-not because you simply don't guess on each blind when you are. But your links are not informative links- you copy and paste pages of superfluous info nobody needs to see ffs.
    What's with hang up though seriously?
    For Me Too -I feel horrible about what he's about to call me. NOT!

  43. Unemployable11:08 AM

    Michael Moore already puts the "less" in "sexless." He should save his money for a gastric bypass.
    Or better still, why not just have that giant fatty tumor that he uses to hold up his baseball cap, grafted onto a horse's ass, and film a documentary about him racing in the Kentucky derby?

  44. And your guesses are just so good.

  45. Unemployable11:12 AM

    Michael Moore already puts the "less" in "sexless." He should save his money for a gastric bypass.
    Or better still, why not just have that giant fatty tumor that he uses to hold up his baseball cap, grafted onto a horse's ass, and film a documentary about racing in the Kentucky derby?

  46. Unemployable11:16 AM

    All these glitches - Is it this cheap-ass, facacta site or my cheap-ass, facacta computer?

  47. Lisa G11:21 AM

    "Katie" mmmkay.
    I don't guess blinds because for many we aren't here for that(or able to be). But I also don't attack people's guesses, personal lives, or am an obnoxious , whiny hypocrite while doing so. Pretty sure that's what peeps are addressing.
    Thanks for playing though!

  48. Lisa G11:28 AM

    This site I think. It's polluted in general lmao- but you are always funny so don't go!

  49. I think you guys got it with Michael Moore, but just to be different- Tom Hooper?

  50. If this is Michael Moore, I hope he can find a good female look/style like Lana Wachowski did...Lana wasn't the hottest man, but she really made it work after her transition by going a bit alternative. This could be challenging.

  51. Who are you? Pretty sure I wasn't replying to you Lisa G as your name wasn't even in this post until your stellar "clap back". Thanks for playing though!

  52. Derek Harvey12:58 AM

    Lisa G is not here for the blinds mmmkay. She is here to make life-long friends...

  53. Bubbles9:05 PM

    Lana would be described as a she, not a he and she's has already transitioned
