Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Blind Item #3

For the first time I can remember, this almost A+ list mostly movie actor who had a run on a hit network show is involved in a scandal. Our actor has been non stop speed and coke for the past month and he is going to flame out if he does not slow that down. He isn't like his wife who is a decades long lover of the white stuff.


  1. Derek Harvey11:01 PM

    will smith

  2. Tricia1311:02 PM

    ChrisPratt/Anna Faris

  3. Snookiemonster11:07 PM

    I hope not but all clues fit him. Maybe thats gow he lost his belly.

  4. MontanaMarriott11:10 PM

    Alec Baldwin?

  5. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)11:13 PM

    This fits, but I hope not. I want only good things for those two.

  6. Snookiemonster11:17 PM

    Alec has been involved in many a scandal.

  7. Kno Won Uno11:18 PM

    There's a reveal on BG regarding Hilaria bitching about Alec having to wear a CPAP mask - she calls him The Man in the Plastic Mask, apparently. Finds him repulsive in the mask, can't sleep when he snores so they have separate bedrooms. Mmm hmmm.

  8. Kibble11:28 PM

    It would make sense - the blurry Instagram highway shot he posted, staying up for 72 or 77 hours (geez, I hope that's wrong, maybe it's 48 and my recall is off). I like him, so I hope it's wrong, but it's a solid guess @Tricia13.

  9. Tricia1311:43 PM

    +1@Lemon Swizzle
    @Snookie- that or he git hooked on waist training lol!
    Thx @Kibble!

  10. Snookiemonster11:48 PM

    She only wanted him for fame and money anyway. He cant be surprised.

  11. he'd be A LOT thinner

  12. nameless12:07 AM


    YESSSS. I want chris pratt and anna faris to make it.

    when she talked about how they knew they should be together when they found out they both had dead bug collections. I NEED THESE TWO TO BE TOGETHER/

  13. June Gordon12:20 AM

    I think this is Pratt. He recently posting this long message saying he'd been up for days and ANYONE can succeed.

    Trust: I recognize typing on meth.

  14. Sadie1:02 AM

    Does sound like Chris Pratt unfortunately.

  15. back again1:54 AM

    damn...+1 w/Chris Pratt guess.-- but he can turn it around just as fast.
    -Does anyone think mb he's having a fling with Jennifer Lawrence while they're away filming "Passengers" together now? (guilt/burning candle both ends/keeping up w/Jen Coke Maybe?) just sayin....

  16. Vin Diesel6:06 AM

    I'm sure he convinced himself that she loved him for himself, what else would his ego allow? After the divorce from hell he had with Basinger I'm also sure that he had Hilaaaaaria sign a prenup made of iron. She squeezed out two kids so she won't be poor but she won't take him to the cleaners.

  17. Malibuborebee6:09 AM

    Duh. I was Vin Diesel for a joke post in the Tebow thread and forgot to put it back.

  18. Laura Palmer7:41 AM

    I only came on here after I started readin June...I love u June...haha

  19. I don't want it to be Chris Pratt. That makes me sad. Loophole: Parks & Rec wasn't really a network hit. It hung in there and the critics loved it, but nobody actually watched it. Okay, I'm good.

  20. Hot Cola9:45 AM

    I second that guess.
    He just had a post on Instagram selling he was 77 hours straight a wake & working...

  21. Hot Cola9:49 AM

    people will believe the strangest things... Big guys, with big egos , and big wallets...
    * The higher you stand, the harder you fall* ...

  22. Hot Cola9:53 AM

    I dont really wan tit to be Chris Pratt & Anna Faris either but unfortunately..If the facts are the facts...
    Wont be the first time a young couple & genuine love was destroyed by Hollywood...

  23. Mary Contrary11:14 AM

    ...and on the seventh day, June wins the internet, and it was good.

  24. It's not Pratt/Faris. She is in her early thirties... I doubt she has been hooked for "decades"

  25. Anna is 39. As much as I don't want it to be true, it's entirely possible if she got hooked in her teens.
