Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #3

While standing in line waiting to order some food this week, this probably still A+ list singer was handed a demo by this teenager. The A+ lister turned to the teenager and said, "Do I look like I'm a f**king charity," and refused to take the demo. Our A+ lister then turned to the friend she was with and said,"I don't have f**king time for nobodies."


  1. Derek Harvey11:00 PM


  2. Derek Harvey11:01 PM

    or katy perry

  3. sandybrook11:02 PM

    I hope she went to Chipotle and got the E Coli Virus.

  4. Tricia1311:04 PM

    Gaga is the only one I've seen go I and get her own food (with a bodyguard natch). Gaga and still/back to A+ since the recent accomplishments

  5. Derek Harvey11:07 PM

    "Gaga is the only one I've seen go and get her own food"

  6. Tricia1311:10 PM;_ylt=AwrBT4aF3sVWYEsA5H_BGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTByaWg0YW05BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--#
    Or Adele. Probably still A+ reference referring to the abysmal Grammys situation.

  7. Oh I like that guess. I mean I DONT because I don't want it to be true, but it says she was in a terrible mood and had a meltdown after performance. Nice guess!

  8. Tricia1311:18 PM

    Thanks @Kylie ....that or Gaga had a hankering for pizza lol. I certainly hope not:(

  9. Derek Harvey11:19 PM

    Adele is A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    She could have pulled an Ashlee Simpson and do a ho-down at The Grammys and stills remain A++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    and she is foreign born

  10. Kno Won Uno11:35 PM

    Adele has an excellent reputation with fans - she reaches out to them often.
    She's permanent A+++++++++.

  11. Kno Won Uno11:36 PM

    She's been fairly psycho this week, with her petulant Beyonce rant and skipping out on a Grammy performance.

  12. So is Rihanna.

  13. Derek Harvey11:40 PM

    Her album review was not great, and her record and ticket sales have taken a PLUNGE ...not to mention not showing up to The Grammys and being stuck on that Tidal label with Jay-Z ...

  14. Derek Harvey11:41 PM

    plus the bad language used lol

  15. Zilla111:57 PM

    I guess that'll teach the kid to go through proper channels next time.

    On the other hand, flash forward five years and current A+ singer is trying to get a duet with the hottest new singer on the scene (demo kid), in order to reclaim some relevance?

  16. Cinabun11:58 PM

    I hope whoever gave her the demo gets rich & famous & meets her @ Grammys years later & beats her out for an award.
    Don't sh#t on people b/c the way down will be a lot worse. And if this is Rhi, she's on her way there, too many drugs too much ego.

  17. ettacettera12:03 AM

    I thought Adele because I just saw the Celebitchy love fest regarding her burger run ...she was so upset she ate! Clutch pearls and swoon..

  18. HuggieBearIsMe12:59 AM

    There are legal reasons for not taking a demo from someone. If she took it & years later makes a song that has even a tiny part of it that sounds like a song on that demo there's going to be a huge lawsuit. The singer was rude about it, but she wasn't wrong for not taking the demo.

  19. muchlu1:10 AM

    how about Brit Brit?

  20. Cinabun1:53 AM


  21. HH3142:07 AM

    I smell a Lifetime movie here - someone get on this STAT!

  22. Raquel2:32 AM

    Rihanna was born in Barbados, so she she is foreign born.

  23. nasty baby4:37 AM

    this is totally Adele at In N Out after the Grammys.

    While she was totally out of line for it.....I can't help but think her emotional state of mind post-HORRIFIC performance at the Grammys could have influenced her snappy rude comments.

    still girl, do you really need that burger? just know where you've been. do you want to go back to that?

  24. emily4:39 AM

    that cashier may be a nobody, but Adele will always be a fat f**k

  25. Sound like perpetually menstruating Nicki Minaj to me, though I can't imagine her standing in line willfully for anything.

  26. texasrose7:52 AM

    I guess politely declining the demo and maybe explaining why would have been out of the question. Good for her, things usually have a way of coming around.

  27. texasrose7:54 AM

    Since she is standing in line somewhere ordering food like the nobodies.

  28. sally8:08 AM

    Of course you saw it because it was staged with photographers on her waiting call each time.

  29. Say Ambular9:52 AM

    And she had In & Out, everyone knows you hit the drive thru for that

  30. Malibuborebee10:19 AM

    I can see anyone not taking the demo for legal reasons as described above.

    The "I don't have time for nobodies" comment is not at all like Adele, even a pissed off and junk food binge eating Adele. And, as Derek noted, she is A++++++. If it's about her at In N Out then someone made up the "nobodies" bit of the story to make it juicier.

    Riri's the one in drug-addled meltdown mode. Well, Riri and Gaga are both pretty drug-addled and cray cray these days but Riri's spiraling a lot harder. Both of them are nastier than Adele will ever be on her worst day.

  31. Tay or Bee...
    hate all of "probably still A+ singers"...
    after that love family and friends for the rest of the day....
