Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Blind Item #2

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor used to be pretty close to A+ list. Now he gives girlfriends freebies he picked up from one of the companies who pays him to make their commercials and passes the gifts off as being paid for by him.


  1. Tricia1310:59 PM

    Don't think Nic Hoult was ever close to A+ list
    Hugh Grant or Jude Law

  2. sandybrook11:03 PM

    Jean Claude Van Damme

  3. Tricia1311:05 PM

    Or Orlando Bloom. Didn't realize he did a few Toyota Corolla commercials!

  4. French girl11:06 PM

    Orlando Bloom

  5. Auntie11:35 PM

    Judea law giving his gal pal a lexus.

  6. Cinabun10:40 AM

    I'm going to guess none of them are complaining. If my bf gave me a car I would not care...ladies???

  7. Jude Law giving his girlfriend a Lexus. This is hardly negative though, it's a win for both! He doesn't have to waste his money and she gets a pricey luxury vehicle free of charge. I doubt she's complaining either way,
