Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blind Item #2

This A+ list mostly movie actor was a huge pain when he was recently on a talk show as a guest. They wanted him to do a skit but he was a prick up until he actually got to the show and had to be talked into even doing the crap version of the skit that ended up on air. The original plan was for something that would have been amazing. Our actor likes he has some big hits in his recent body of work. He doesn't.


  1. Tricia1310:45 PM

    Tom Cruise

  2. Derek Harvey10:45 PM

    ryan reynolds

  3. sandybrook10:46 PM

    Harrison Ford

  4. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Nah he has hits-Whalberg?

  5. Kno Won Uno10:51 PM

    Guess The Missing Word(s)!
    "Our actor likes_________ he has some big hits.... "

  6. Derek Harvey10:52 PM

    on Jimmy Fallon last week

    Fallon does skits

  7. Kno Won Uno10:52 PM

    Might be him because he's been everywhere promoting Deadpool and is an inappropriately arrogant twit.

  8. sandybrook10:53 PM

    to think?

  9. Derek Harvey10:56 PM

    yeah and Deadpool is is only hit in a LONG time

  10. Kno Won Uno10:58 PM


  11. ettacettera11:55 PM

    Klooney was doing all the rounds recently, his box office pull is iffy..but I guess he's still the biggest deal in eur?

  12. French girl11:58 PM

    I guess Clooney

  13. French girl11:59 PM

    Bravo ????

  14. Zilla112:03 AM

    I know the Jimmy Kimmel "ER" sketch with Clooney and Hugh Laurie was really awkward to watch.

  15. Tricia1312:45 AM

    +1 absolutely

  16. muchlu1:14 AM

    I think Clooney too, now that he is with Amal maybe he thinks he is above silly skits in talk shows.

  17. It's not because of AAC - the shows all have new hosts who won't let someone sit on the couch and tell the same stories

    There's a new landscape out there and GC is behind the times and his PR staff who still leak stuff to the Enquirer

  18. Sadie3:18 AM

    Think it's Ryan Gosling on SNL. He giggled through all the skits and was obviously reading off cue cards so he hadn't bothered to memorize his lines. Came off like a total jerk.

    He's in a critical hit with The Big Short but prior to that, he's had a string of flops including his disastrous directing attempt. And he's only supporting in The Big Short.

  19. Sadie3:21 AM

    Hmm. Just noticed the 'talk show' bit so SNL's out.

    Don't know. Don't think it's Clooney on Kimmel. I saw that and Clooney seemed really committed to the incredibly dumb skit. Probably somebody on Fallon?

  20. emily4:40 AM

    am I the only person that thinks Ryan Reynolds is the male equivalent of a butterface?

    dude is ugly above the neck.

  21. Malibuborebee10:25 AM

    First one I thought of too. He's such a douchebag and takes himself waaaaay too seriously. On the bright side, he'll have a desperate and miserable life of failure once his body goes.

  22. Comet6:09 PM

    Everyone reads off cue cards on SNL - it's required by Lorne Michaels. It's to ensure there's no ad libbing and everything stays on time.

  23. Ben Stiller.
