Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actress on a new hit network show is pregnant by a guy only interested in her for her money. She has tons. She also might be the only woman he has had sex with in his life. He told his friends it is being straight for pay and can't wait for those child support checks to start rolling in.


  1. Tricia1310:53 PM

    Morning baacharin/Ben Mckenzie

  2. Tricia1310:54 PM

    *Morina - and morning lol!!

  3. MontanaMarriott10:56 PM

    Hold up wasn't there a BI that MB got knocked up by BM so she can collect some of HIS money?!?

  4. sandybrook10:58 PM

    Kristin Ritter

  5. sandybrook11:00 PM

    or Lindsy Fonseca

  6. Elle B11:34 PM

    nvm new guy has money

  7. nameless11:52 PM



    so confused.

  8. Tricia1311:59 PM

    Yep. First thought even as I posted ....definitely not simpatico with other BI

  9. Lurky McLurkster2:57 AM

    idk, we are going into the back half of the second season now. I wouldn't consider Gotham new and it is actually a bubble show right now.

  10. martie5:26 AM

    This is an easy one.

    Actress: Megan Boone, The Blacklist, granddaughter of billionaire real estate developer H. Gary Morse (The Villages).

    Guy: The very gay/bi fine art photographer Dan Estabrook.

  11. lurker6:12 AM

    I've wondered about Megan Boone's pregnancy. This weirdo supposed artist came from out of nowhere. I watched a video of him and theres no way he's straight. She's posted pics of him on her instagram and he always looks dirty, greasy hair and a swarmy grin like he's caught his golden goose. I hope shes not dumb enough to marry him. She's not a very good actress but it's a shame she's being taken advantage of.

  12. K to the way7:12 AM

    Definitely Megan Boone and her manipulative boyfriend. I'm from a town in Florida where a lot of people who work in The Villages live and this family is loaded. I've always heard nice things about her, but I hear her mom is not to be messed with. Too bad her family didn't step in and save her from this guy. I can't imagine this bunch of loaded rednecks likes the gay guy.

  13. Dan Estabrook is known to be slightly arrogant, erractic in terms of thinking pattern but yet has a slight obsessions with morbrid imagery. He also allegedly dated Michelle Williams, ex wife of health ledger. Megan and Dan relationship is similar to Andy Warhol relationship to Edie Segwick. Except the latter had a ducked up ending. As far as his sexuality goes, despite his pictures which show hanging out with lots of women, he and others I know, we assume he's repressed homosexual or bi with male preference. We also assume that the pergency was conceived by a lab rather than naturally.

  14. TinaM9:28 AM

    I googled this Dan and he is the same guy that supposedly was after Michelle Williams money when Heath Ledger died. I read comments on another site that her friends thought he was brainwashing Michelle.

    Why would MB hook up with him? She's relatively young and is attractive. Is she as dumb as Liz and can't tell he's gay and after her money? This is sad and hes disgusting. I feel sorry for the baby. I'm sure there will be a huge custody battle in the future.

  15. TinaM9:41 AM

    The baby conceived in a lab? I guess that makes more sense given the way he looks in photos. But, again, why would a rich actress involve herself with this guy? If she wanted a kid, she could have gotten better donor material. Also, why would a lead actress purposefully get pregnant in the middle of a season? I think she got knocked up by accident, though purposeful on Dan's part.

  16. martie10:05 AM

    Estabrook is an obscure artist that must struggle to make a living. I know Edie was one of Andy's superstars but he was famous, talented, making tons of money, and people wanted to be associated with him. What's the draw for Boone to Estabrook? I think the other commenters are correct and she's fallen into the wrong crowd and is being manipulated.

  17. ScottG11:14 AM

    Don't think it's anyone on the Blacklist. The BI specifically said "new" hit network show. The Blacklist is in its 3rd season. Hardly a new show.

  18. Hot Cola11:42 AM

    I don't think she makes more than him?
    Although I agree, I think he's gay.

  19. Pregnant by mistake perhaps. There are similarities in the Megan and Dan relationship with andy and Edie in a sense that Edie was part of a well off loaded family, andy knew that and with the false pretenses of sorts Edie not knowing any better went along with it. They are parellels if you think about it except now there is a future baby involved and they're getting married soon. However, Megan to us comes across as slot of hidden insecurities especially with her new fame despite of acting (which has improved) but something really big happened in her personal life that caused her to basically lower her standards which Dan took note of it and let's face it his track record of his ''attempt'' to seduce women during their low points is questionable (i.e Michelle williams). As far as we can see this end, it will be painful scandal that Megan might not endure much. We don't want if to get to that though.

    PS: before anybody asks, I am a rep of a small group that knows small what of these things????

  20. I would like to apologize for typos and errors of these things, writing from a very nerotic cell is a pain in the ass

  21. AmbigousPat10:39 PM

    I dont think MB has had a serious relationship before so i can see why she could be seduced by this guy. There are no photos of her with men and she never posted pics of any other man on her twitter.
    If he was able to fool Michelle Williams for a year ot two who has been in a number of relationships, I'm sure he could fool Megan. I only see references that he and Michelle had a nonsex relationship tho because he's gay.but like the blind says he's playing straight to get her money. I'd think shed have to know he's gay cause it looks obvious. If she doesn't know that's really gross. I kind of feel bad for her. She seems silly and pretty immature in interviews. If she has this super rich family they should help her.

  22. Agreed ambiguouspat, that would be. But hell it isn't the first time this happened in Hollywood. Scandals of this magnitude have happen before that has destroyed careers. Some recuperated, some don't. Minority of the lucky ones haven't gotten caught yet. All this group knows, for Megan it won't end well. Dan tied himself to her. Unless she doesn't get a prenuptial then she's screwed.

  23. HotFloridaSun2:53 AM

    I recently attended Megan's sister's wedding and she brought Dan. No one can know someone's sexuality but he had many feminine characteristics/mannerisms and what could be described as a gay voice. He seemed nice enough but I think everyone was wondering what the hell.

  24. So THAT'S how Megan became an actress! I always wondered, since she is clearly a terrible actress, how she managed it. She's not pretty enough to be casting couch fodder. She was the first actor signed for The Blacklist (even before Spader) so I'm thinking billionaire granddad wrote a check to the show producers, to cover those expensive first year production details which were sort-of awesome. The show has since become slap-dash and cheap looking. Having Megan and Spader hang out in a bunker for five episodes, talking to each other, signals that the network isn't sinking anymore money into the anemic Blacklist. Granddad must have turned the tap off as well.

    It wasn't only myself who wondered how in the hell Megan ever got cast in any TV show at all. Boy, she's bad.
